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Postby Gamble » Wed Nov 04, 2009 4:01 pm

Hey mojo, I was thinking the other day, when you put my pictures up on facebook, how easy it would be for someone to get on the forum and read our field reports... If some of the girls read the field reports that I have written about them, I could quite possibly die. Is there any way that we can secure a portion of the forum that we can put field reports and stuff like that in? You know, just for self preservation and all that good stuff?

I was thinking maybe a section that you had to meet someone on the forum that was already in the secured part and get them to vouch for you. It sounds like a pain, but I really don't want certain people reading some of this stuff and it is a fairly public forum...
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Re: Security

Postby Mojo » Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:42 pm

We use aliases to protect our identity. It may be a good idea to remove the pictures from facebook (Let me know if you want this done). Also, it may be a good idea to find another avatar, other than a pic of yourself, to protect ones identity.

We did have provate forums before, where new membership depended on a current member vouching for you. A couple of things happened: First, a click of guys that posted to the hidden forum, contributing less to the main forum. Second, the hidden forum turned out as a platform to rag on other less skilled members or whoever. Of course those ragged on did not like this (I made it public for a time before Vector's guys used a backdoor to come in and delete the forum - Thanks to Rockstar again for installing a new version and thus getting rid of the bugs), though to get into the habit of talking negatively about others is something you do not want. And not being held accountable for your words does not hinder this. I believe the positive energy we put out in the universe comes back to us, and vise versa. The forum is about sharing ideas and helping each other out. Hiding the material from other may hinder this. Have a handle, don't show pics, and all should be ok. I do not recall a woman finding this forum and seeing a FR on her. So I think we are safe.

If a hidden forum should be created, it's purpose should not hinder the greater good.

Here are a few things we tried in the past:

Dallas Lounge
Dallas Lounge was for things people wanted to keep private. Since they had the privilage to post here, they started posting most of their material here, whether sensitive or not. And most was not sensitive. This diluted the general forum.

F was for Friends. This was Vector's group of friends. The idea was to create a fraternity of guys. As some of the guys on this forum knows, this is where they ragged on others.

The Inner Circle
Was for the Society's business. This was when I was trying to organize a create an organization based on bylaws and a constitution so no one person would be in charge of everything. Also, I wanted the Dallas Society to continue when I was gone with no one person calling all the shots. As some of you know, Vector threw this idea out after he sabatoged and stole the content for his own lair.

See above

Forum Troubleshooting & FAQ
Forum & website maintenance procedures, past problems & solutions. This was to help the current moderators and admins with any problems that might of occured before.

Moderator's Corner
General moderator discussion

Problem Members
Report problem members and move problem threads/posts here

Admins Only
didnt use this much

I would not totally discount a forum that is more private, as long as it does not hinder other memebers learning experience.
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Re: Security

Postby RockStar » Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:45 pm

Perhaps only allow FR's , LR's, and BJR's and photo's in the hidden forum? With membership solely established on the grounds of coming to a single meet up to establish identity as a real person and no other criteria.

It could work as well as help the guys, who are shy about getting out from behind the keyboard and show them we are real, normal, down to earth people. I think it would foster a more active live sarge community and as such would benefit the community. As well as foster more accurate and honest field reports...I know I've smudged some details in my FR's concerning race or slightly altered events so that it still had the same character but was very difficult to recognize me if she read it.

Just some thoughts.

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Re: Security

Postby Tribulus1000 » Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:01 am

Mojo wrote:We did have provate forums before, where new membership depended on a current member vouching for you. A couple of things happened: First, a click of guys that posted to the hidden forum, contributing less to the main forum. Second, the hidden forum turned out as a platform to rag on other less skilled members or whoever. Of course those ragged on did not like this.

Sad times.

A secret message board where we make fun of other guys because they refuse to hang out with us or they keep telling us what b.s. it is to make pickup into a men's social drinking club? Go figure.
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Re: Security

Postby Dead Poet » Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:31 am

Not that I have much to say here, since I'm a total newbie and big time lurker, but I work almost every time you guys have meets and it is almost impossible for me to get out to them until my job situation changes. I know that I am a minority, and sometimes the needs of the many outweigh those of the few, but thought I'd throw in my 2cents.
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Re: Security

Postby Gamble » Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:58 am

I do agree with mojo about the pictures... I don't mind that they are up but if you would, could you possibly take my handle off the caption? New pic is coming up tomorrow. I also agree with RockStar about making a private section for only FR's, LR's, and so forth... Anything else that gets posted in this section should be deleted. I agree one hundred percent about helping others on the forum... That's what I'm here for. I've told multiple people on this forum about my intentions in the community and I hold true to that. Anything that is not a FR should not be allowed to be posted in the secure section, but I do think that this would help out with the people that go out sarging often and post FR's about it.

P.S. I'm afraid that Beverly Hills is going to find it... Somehow we got on the topic of PUA's in L.A. and she told me about how Style, Mystery, Papa, and TD all tried to game her on Rodeo Dr. a few years ago. She said most of the stuff was the same stuff over and over... So glad I didn't use C's vs. U's on her... :) :)
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Re: Security

Postby RockStar » Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:26 pm

Gamble wrote:P.S. I'm afraid that Beverly Hills is going to find it... Somehow we got on the topic of PUA's in L.A. and she told me about how Style, Mystery, Papa, and TD all tried to game her on Rodeo Dr. a few years ago. She said most of the stuff was the same stuff over and over... So glad I didn't use C's vs. U's on her... :) :)

If you want to know if she really digs you she'll let you get away with Cs vs. Us. Might be fun. As for Style, Mystery and TD that set hasn't rolled together since at least 2004 if she can remember them after 5 years from a street pick up in Rodeo they must've done something right. (translation: she liked it and probably slept with one...or she read the game and is full of shit)

As much as women don't want to admit it they all want to be swept off their feet and lead around by a talented Casanova. There is an entire section in bookstores; the romance novel...or video chick flicks. Chicks love project asshole guys..well at least the ones with daddy issues do.

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Re: Security

Postby Tribulus1000 » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:21 pm

RockStar wrote:...or she read the game and is full of shit)

My thoughts, precisely.
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Re: Security

Postby Gamble » Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:43 pm

Could be it, I don't know... don't really care anymore cause I took down my pic and everything should be all good now. And she didn't actually say TD's name. She called mystery and style by their names and said they were with a guy with a big goofy looking smile. It made me laugh and think of you trib.

:D :D You're awesome man!!! God, how did I meet you again? You are soooo COOL!!!!!! :D :D
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Re: Security

Postby Alger » Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:21 am

Fortunately facebook has really good privacy settings where we don't need to even announce all the groups we are in to everyone on our friend list. This can be an invite only group. I feel it is probably best to make sure we don't take any risk inviting people into the group that might be people we know that could spread any rumors.

What Gamble brought up is something definitely to be cautious about.
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