Wing Man Information

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Wing Man Information

Postby Guest » Fri May 23, 2008 9:56 am

I wold like to see a section an how to be/use a wing man. I am just an awful cluts at this and would like to know what some of the duties are, besides destraction, or is that it. What should me and my wing have already discussed before entering set. How does the wing approach the set. Yada yada. If there is already somthing out there, let me know.

Postby Guest » Fri May 23, 2008 6:23 pm

Geeze there are so many possibilites.

One of the best things I have seen rarely used is when your wing approaches you stop everything and say hello to him. Have you ever noticed how girls always do this? They will just completely blow you off mid sentence and say hello to their friend. That is something we all should start doing. Then introduce your wing to the group.

Another thing I have seen that works very well is walking up to your buddy and asking him if he needs a drink. This makes him look very good to the set. Then when you come back to him with the drink he can open you to the set. Or if he doesn't want a drink or you know damn well you aren't going to buy him one he can introduce you to the group right then.

If you have a wing you go out with all the time you should prob take turns calling targets. It will get very annoying if you are the first one to call a target everytime. Then just go from there during the set running the target/obstacle accordingly. Hopefully the obstacle is Fuckable, if not just run friendly game on her to keep her attention.

Also be very careful on amoging your wing. I see it happen SO MANY TIMES and I am probably guilty of it myself. Your wing opens a girl and then you all the sudden feel the urge to take over the conversation. He opened the set so let him run it. We all get so giddy though and it just happens. That is one thing we all need to work on.

Another thing I notice myself doing is negging the non-target. I have even had a wing give me all sorts of eye codes and kicking my shin before(Don't look like a homo and kick your wings shin). It was a non-community guy so he had no clue what was going on but still. I prob shouldn't have done this but it was fun and worked. But since it was his target shame shame on me.

I'm sure a ton of people can elaborate on this subject. I prob have like 10 other things I could mention but I am at a loss for words. Haha what else is new.


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