Funny story about my "player" friend

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Funny story about my "player" friend

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:00 pm

We all have them, a friend of ours who thinks that they are the biggest pimps, and that they don't need help getting women. Indeed they are so good that they can teach other guys...yeah right...

I have a friend like that who's been with a whopping 3 girls but acts like he knows how to put it down. But apparently this guy has been reading up online on some seduction literature( he does not know that I do as well). So he was giving me some advice a couple of days ago about how he came up with this new idea called cocky and funny. He mentioned in detail how you have to be both cocky and funny not just one or the other and how creative he was to come up with this idea. Also said that I was lucky to be his friend since he was sharing this knowledge with me.

Postby Guest » Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:34 pm

lol sounds like he was covering :D

i have a buddy that was the alpha of my uni crew, maybe layed 5-6 girls in 4 years and had a gf. had the biggest rep as a player, everyone deferred to him etc and though he was a pickup manchine, had mad game etc

so i go out one night, and this big tall fat faggot comes up to me, tries picking me up for his ex fiancee (they were together, he came out of the closet, now theyre the bestest buddies ever and he never fucked her, very strange)

so anyway, im feigning disinterest bla bla and getting them to invest (yes, i was sarging that fat bastard too, groupthink baby lol) and, since i, and the alpha i was talking about, are from a very small far away town, when i drop the name they both look at me funny and say "do you know xxx from there?"

cut a long story short, they had tried the same routine on my alpha buddy, and his game consisted of asking to take the girl to dinner (x3) asking to cook her dinner (x2) and then when she tired of his requests, a series of raunchy text messages and text cybering, except for one thing

the one sending the texts and cybering...was teh gay ex fiancee

i cried laughing about that. the alpha of the uni crew cybering to a fag, and me fucking more girls in the last year than he ever had


Postby Guest » Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:40 pm

lol! Serious puas from the community can take on the 'naturals' anyday.

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