This is Off Topic. I know most of you probably don't want to get married. But this affects dating as well...
I feel strongly about this issue and I wanted to share it with you guys. I feel it is important.
We are told as men that we should change ourselves, that we are the problem and that we need to change.
Depending on the source from the PUA Gurus and teachers, we are told to be: more social, less needy, more sexual, less sexual, more masculine, less masculine, more talkative, less talkative, etc.
We are told conflicting information. And we are told we must change in order to get laid, be happy, get a girl, etc.
But women are not told to change anything. They can be more and more selfish, more demanding and they don't have to do anything. This is ridiculous and absurd.
Then you look around at the advertising and the toys for little girls and what do you see? Forced on them is the idea that they are "princesses". They are told they are smart (even though some foreign kids could kick their asses in math/science), they are told they are beautiful and should be worshiped.
There's only one you should worship and it is God. (I will spare you all my beliefs).
All of this is to say that we as a society build up girl's egos and their pride until they are completely selfish and competitive with males in the workplace and then we wonder why they can't find a husband or a steady boyfriend.
My theory is that women are the gatekeepers of the relationship and basically run the show as far as the family unit is concerned.
Feminism seeks to destroy society by first attacking the family structure with the woman and then destroying the marriage and the kids as well.
As far as us men are concerned, we are basically the same. We want the same things and we all have more in common than our differences.
As long as the female is good, kind and doesn't fight with the male; the family unit will stay together. But if she's a bitch, then it won't work. And that implies that the man is employed gainfully and is not a burden or mentally or physically unsound.
If that is in place and they get along, the whole thing will work. If the woman is a bitch, the whole thing falls apart.
In a way this is good news for you guys. There is nothing wrong with you and you don't need to change.
If you are single and wanting a relationship - either short term or long term or marriage, then I believe the burden is not on you.
There is only one thing you can do...find a non-bitch. Find a woman who will put up with you.
I'm happy to report that I did just this. I found a wonderful woman overseas. And I will share with you guys some examples of what I am talking about.
(These are from my personal life, so understand this if you comment on this post that this is personal to me.)
- She is coming from the Philippines so, I found a bed for her son. It was free donated by a coworker. She loved it.
- I found a chapel that was less expensive where we could be married. She was so happy.
- My sister suggested altering her wedding dress so my fiance could get married in it. She was happy.
All of these will save US money. As we plan to have a life together, these things will save us money so we can spend the money on other things.
Now the question is, do you think an American Woman would "put up with" having a used dress, a used bed for her son, and a second rate chapel???
The women in the U.S. would want the most spent on them as possible, even if it was money that you needed to borrow or put on a credit card. They are totally selfish and self absorbed.
If you doubt this, go and talk to people who are better yet ask the divorced Men. Ask the divorced men how much that bitch they mistakenly married wanted them to spend on HER wedding.
So let's now come back to Dating and Singles stuff...
In any dating scenario, whether its meeting them, attracting them or closing them; it all depends on how you and her get along.
So if we see a rise in narcissism and egotistical behavior in women, then how can men score with them?
They can't.
So all this "Change Yourself" mantra that is droned into us by PUA Gurus and Instructors is complete horseshit.
Sure, you need to be socially aware but beyond that, being a man isn't bad. You aren't the problem. You aren't the one who needs to change.
Women are the problem.
So the solution is simple. Find a humble, honest, kind, fun loving girl that you find attractive. That's it.
No need for Mystery Method, Speed Seduction, Speer Method, or any other system because they don't work on women who have egos the size of Texas.
Comments Welcome.
p.s. I also know this sounds radical for a PUA board. But we also have to think outside the box on things. Women aren't just creatures we meet in bars or in the daytime. And they're not mindless robots either.