Men's Rights Movement

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Men's Rights Movement

Postby Muk » Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:35 am

What do you guys think about it?
I've been pretty active in it for about a year and there seem to be many legitimate issues that we, as men should probably address.
Issues like:
False Rape Allegations
Child Custody laws
Reproductive rights
Domestic Violence laws

I would think these issues (especially False Rape Accusations) would be of major concern to most PUAs. That's actually something that makes me think twice about how I escalate
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Re: Men's Rights Movement

Postby Rawwwrr! » Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:42 am

Muk wrote:I would think these issues (especially False Rape Accusations) would be of major concern to most PUAs. That's actually something that makes me think twice about how I escalate

What does that mean? Are you saying that you are afraid to escalate because of this?
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Re: Men's Rights Movement

Postby Muk » Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:48 pm

It makes me think about how/when/where I escalate
because you never know if you're dealing with some batshit chick who would suddenly have regrets that turn into !OMGRAPE!
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Re: Men's Rights Movement

Postby Finesse » Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:54 pm

Its always a possibility.
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Re: Men's Rights Movement

Postby Rawwwrr! » Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:41 am

Muk wrote:It makes me think about how/when/where I escalate
because you never know if you're dealing with some batshit chick who would suddenly have regrets that turn into !OMGRAPE!

Sounds like that would fuck your game up a lot if you are always second guessing yourself and are afraid to escalate. I'm thinking this sort of thinking may actually hinder your game.
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Re: Men's Rights Movement

Postby Muk » Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:25 am

Yes sir, you would be correct.
But my freedom is worth more than a wet hole
The reality is
that bitches be crazy D:
and I have to do whatever I can to protect myself

I use a voice recorder
I try to make sure to people see me with her, or go where there are cameras
I say her name, vocalize what we're doing
at any moment if she says "no" it's over (token resistance is too risky)

even if the recordings are inadmissible (and I think, in TX, they aren't) They would make a lying bitch reconsider
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Re: Men's Rights Movement

Postby Rawwwrr! » Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:49 am

I think you are taking this all too far.

Sure, she might be crazy and make something up, but honestly I think you are making a bigger deal out of it than it really is.

I might get in a car accident and have brain damage and never be the same again. So to prevent that I'm going to only use walking and bicycle riding as a mode of transportation. It's too risky driving a car.

See the point I'm trying to make?

a lot of things might happen, but doesn't mean they will. There are some bat shit crazy girls out there, but they aren't all like that. Most girls won't accuse you of rape for escalating on them. If you want to be 100% safe, why not just stop talking and dealing with girls altogether?

I guess if you really are that worried about it, you should drop out of the community and don't do game anymore.
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Re: Men's Rights Movement

Postby FTW » Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:37 pm

Muk you're doing it right man. You can never be too careful. All its takes is an accusation to ruin you. You can be found ultimately innocent but in the eyes of everyone else, once accused you're guilty.
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Re: Men's Rights Movement

Postby Tribulus1000 » Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:08 am

I don't know how we got off (get it?) on the topic of escalation, however, a guy should never be afraid to escalate.
This is definitely something that you should work on...preferably with girls who are also down with you. (not men).
The entire point of PUA tactics, lines, etc. is to try to get laid. If you're scared because you can't escalate and pull out your cock, its a problem.
I would suggest getting a few hookers.

Don't be ashamed of this because lots of guys, including myself, have used them.

Also try pushing the line and really ' making the Ho say No' with the regular girls you sarge. The line is actually quite further out than you would imagine. You'll be suprized, happily I hope.

Why should I listen to you when you don't even get laid?
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Re: Men's Rights Movement

Postby Westfall » Wed May 30, 2012 1:41 am

The fact is, women have additional protection under the law.

If a man and a woman, have unprotected sexual intercourse, the woman can choose to opt out of the tremendous financial responsibilities of being a parent, and a man cannot. Whether or not a man will be required to pay to raise a child over the course of 18 years is arbitrarily left up to the woman.

This would appear to violate the equal protection clause of the constitution, but so far no court has ruled on the matter =/
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