Hi guys,
If you'd like to do more of what you are already doing and be paid for it, we are looking for skilled writers on pick up to produce content for a recently-launched men's lifestyle Q&A forum at www.manism.com.
This is an ongoing position for the right candidate(s), who will have the opportunity to write for the main blog at http://blog.manism.com/ We are open to offering back-links in the byline for those offering paid services, though all content must be entirely original.
These are the qualities we're looking for:
- Excellent writing ability (less "..., HOW TO HAVE A 3SOME, !!!!!"/broken constructions, more run-on, full sentences with good syntax.)
- Longstanding familiarity (obsession is also fine) with the pick up community, ideally as an accomplished practitioner who still has things to learn.
- Ability to generate and write on interesting content ideas with minimal supervision.
- Highly reliable and able to stick to a prearranged writing schedule on a consistent basis.
On this last point, the hours are flexible, but expect to spend 3-4 hours writing per week at the minimum.
If interested, please include a sample of your best writing in your submission as well as a brief description of why you feel you would be eligible for the position. If you are an active member of the forum, please include your handle and post frequency, if available.
Applications should be sent to zak@manism.com with "DallasPUA Job Listing" in the subject line.
Thanks for reading.