Ross Jeffries is a Satan Worshipper

Found this on Thundercat lair. Thundercat goes on to say "So a holy crusader, by the name of Bado, sends me a cryptic email of friday with the subject line “Ross Jeffries Youtube Video Worship Satan.”
Needless to say, I was intrigued. And it turns out, the is, indeed, a video on YouTube where Ross Jeffries (using his real name Paul Ross) is advocating devil worship, and promoting an organization (read: cult) he heads up as its leader.
Honestly, I cannot possibly make this up… ... re=related ... re=related
well damn...
Needless to say, I was intrigued. And it turns out, the is, indeed, a video on YouTube where Ross Jeffries (using his real name Paul Ross) is advocating devil worship, and promoting an organization (read: cult) he heads up as its leader.
Honestly, I cannot possibly make this up… ... re=related ... re=related
well damn...