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Call of Duty 4

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:42 pm
by Brick
Im lovin this game! The only thing is most my boys have it on PS3 (I have a 360 obviously) or they are stuck on Halo still. I would like to start a clan of PUAs to:

1. Get to know some of you cats who game in more ways than one
2. Have a group of men to talk to instead of having random conversations with 12 year olds.

The clan will be nothing serious, no required times to practices and all that gay shit, just for fun and nerdy networking.

If you have a 360, Call of Duty 4, and want to join request me as a friend. My gamer tag is Buck Raw, post a thread letting me know your gamer tag so I have an idea of who to look for, put PUA as you clan tag, and let’s go shoot some people in the face!