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Question About A New Product Called "The Deck Of Destiny"

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 1:39 pm
by Mr. Good Cat1966
Has anyone out there had any success with a new product called the "Deck Of Destiny". It's a deck of cards with a series of questions that when you play this game with a woman she is supposed to fall in love with you. It's a product put out by the Gotham Club LLC out of New York, let me know if anyone has had any success with it or has heard of it.

Re: Question About A New Product Called "The Deck Of Destiny

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 2:04 pm
by CowboyQB
I just googled it. I don't know anything about the Gotham Club. But to me, this product looks like a money grab. Everything about it sounds like a advertisement. "Limited number", "Only 500 of them", "We got 389 of them", "must join Gotham Club cause it's for members only" & "Only have 7 left!"..... All that screams buy me.... Plus they never say one word about what the cards actually say. Or any of the questions.

I personally wouldn't like carrying a deck of 500 cards out into the field for material. You better off running "the cube" or "strawberry fields" which you can do off of memory.

Re: Question About A New Product Called "The Deck Of Destiny

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:35 pm
by Algorithm()
I wouldn't buy this.

Unfortunately, the pickup community is riddled with lies. False gurus claim they can give you the skills you seek if you fork over large amounts of cash. Inordinate sums of money are demanded from customers who want to participate in boot camps. While the game itself is a great tool for bettering oneself, it is also a hotbed of cheaters hoping to profit off of vulnerability.

Just remember that people profit from lying to you. They want you to feel deficient so that you'll buy whatever snake oil product they advertise. This deck of cards is not the first, nor by any means the last, attempt through which such scam artists operate. Good catch CowboyQB.