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Celtics or Lakers

Sun May 30, 2010 6:43 pm
by Guest
Who are you rooting for and who do you think will win the championship this year? For the next week or two I will be the biggest Celtic bandwagoner. I despise the lakers with a passion.

Sun May 30, 2010 10:50 pm
by Guest
Lol are you mad they knocked out phx? To tell the truth, I really don't care. They both have a shitton of titles so I can't even root for the underdog

Mon May 31, 2010 1:10 pm
by Guest
The last time I really sat down to a Celtics/Lakers match, Magic and Bird were still playing. Basketball isn't my first choice sport.

Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:03 am
by Guest
-----Random Curiosity-----
Does everyone mispronounce "Celtics"?
should it be pronounced "kel-ticks"
instead of "sell-ticks"?

Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:47 am
by Guest
[QUOTE=Muk;36252]-----Random Curiosity-----
Does everyone mispronounce "Celtics"?
should it be pronounced "kel-ticks"
instead of "sell-ticks"?[/QUOTE]
The English version of the word is french/latin. French pronounce it with a s sound, latin has the K sound. Either is acceptable, but since its the name of a sports team...they can pronounce it how ever they damn well please!
As for me, I'm going with the Celtics. I don't have ties to either team, I just like the Celtics fan base better.

Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:47 pm
by Guest
[QUOTE=Smirks;36253]....I just like the Celtics fan base better.[/QUOTE]
I have nothing at all against the celtics and everything against the lakers. I actually kinda like the way the celtics play. They are my favorite team in the eastern conference.
Reasons I hate the lakers
1. The team - Kobe bryant and his smug smirk. Fisher and his dirty plays. The whinny bitch Vujajic. Ron Artest....the list goes on.
2. As noted above, the fan base. The laker fan base is the most annoying, pretentious fan base in the nba. Fuck, they are annoying.
3, They are division rivals to the Suns.
4. The ultimate bandwagon team, everyone loves them because all the celebrities follow this team.
And muk, I pronounce it Sell-Ticks.

Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:38 am
by Guest
Since I'm from New England, I'm a Celtics fan all the way. I grew up watching them with Bird, McHale, and Parish, although I really started following them in the Reggie Lewis era with Dee Brown. There was some overlap, so I got to see Bird play with Reggie Lewis. I remember watching the game on TV where Bird fell and hit is head and then came back to light it up in the second half. My favorite player is Rajon Rondo right now.
I don't know anybody who pronounces it Kell-ticks.

Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:06 am
by Guest
Hmm, maybe I'll start paying attention to basketball again. Looks like my Miami Heat have gone out and bought themselves a championship for next year. Wade, Bosh, James...

Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:37 pm
by Guest
[QUOTE=grimm1111;36669]Hmm, maybe I'll start paying attention to basketball again. Looks like my Miami Heat have gone out and bought themselves a championship for next year. Wade, Bosh, James...[/QUOTE]
Role players win Championships, not superstars. Miami will not be able to afford the role players necessary to bring them a championship because they blew there wad on 3 superstars.

Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:23 pm
by Guest
I think it's bullshit that Lebron is so desperate to build a legacy that will rival Jordan's that he's pulling stunts like this. I hope B R is right, but those 3 could easily carry that team...they'll play basketball like Texas Tech plays football...all offense, little to no defense. WILD ASS SPORTS.