do you know how good you have it, by living in Dallas

Anything goes

do you know how good you have it, by living in Dallas

Postby Guest » Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:55 pm

At this point, I feel like I'm running out of girls. I've landed 28 numbers in like 4 weeks. I'm tired of it, I need to see some new faces.

However, I'm going to chicago for the next couple of days to chase cooter. I've really had to calibrate to the women out here, Dallas style game is not working like it did initially. I've had to tone it way down, and build comfort more, and work more gentle, less random openers.

The nicest part about dallas is that even though its probably not a concious thought, the girls innately know the routine and respond to it. Out here, I'm like an alien.

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