(no people. you are not supposed to AMOG out on the fields. only AMOGs AMOG. PUAs reframe or neg. AMOGing is tring to make the conversation intense in a negative way, like when a guy is trying to pick on someone or trying to start a fight. PUA dont do that. they make conversations light and funny, while filling the conversation with sexual tension but not social tension.)
Now this is a PUA would say:
"thats it, you are out. no more drinks for you.
" --David D.
if anyone has even a little sense of social norm would feel that the speaker has a negative feeling towards the audience, so he would back up.
Now this is what a AMOG would say:
"hey what the fuck are you doing?"
or if they are trying to be funny:
"hey why dont you try something more of your level, like flipping a burger?"
now the audience would feel a intense negative tension which is not a PUA would do.
I personally think this game would not help PU skills in a direct way. there are reframe and neg games on the MM forum also we have neg games