Thoughts from the throne...

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Thoughts from the throne...

Postby Guest » Sat May 15, 2010 11:24 pm

Over the past year or so, I have come to several realizations. Obviously we are all gifted enough to be in the situations we are in. I think we all know exactly how good our lives are. These thoughts typically take place when I am doing something that requires, at the very least, me to remain in one place. As you can imagine, I am writing this while sitting on le comode.

The one thing I keep contemplating though is really just my comparing my life to that of the founding fathers. I recently come to think about self reliance and the possiblity of all people being just a little more dependant on themselves. With that have come thoughts of people getting land, at least 5 acres, instead of the usual 160 foot by 50 foot plot of land just big enough to take a crap on. Reason being is people could grow their own food. However, the farmers life is not for most people. I digress.

I keep looking at my life and thinking about how much I really am blessed. How much oppurtunity God has given me and how he has afforded me many oppurtunities to do something productive.

There are many things that I would like to say I [U]used[/U] to take for granted although I'm sure I still do. Here is a list of things, circumstances, and advantages I enjoy:

-I have a computer, 4 actually, capable of doing virtually anything I would like it to from watching that special concert of Hanson I enjoy so much to calculating and graphing numerous mathmetical, and science related functions as well as being able to control a robot.
-I have electricity that is reliable
-I have AC that keeps me comfortable.
-I have food on my plate in which I do not have to grow myself, on top of which I have many different flavors to choose from, I also have an endless variety of fresh fruits. It used to be a mark of wealth to have spices, wines, ales, and a variety of foods at your disposal.
-I have water and various flavored beverages to choose.
-I have a motorized vehicle which allows me to cut travel time down and I am sure I could do at least a little hauling and work with it despite it being a sports car. I can access resources further and further away from my home location.
-I have a comfortable bed and warm bedding waiting for me everynight.
-I have access to herbs and remedies that many of that time would die for, literally.

The list is really endless. But take everything I have listed, and multiply is by 2. My parents place is also at my disposal. It to offers everything I have listed above.

When John Adams' son was growing up, he had his own horse, he traveled afar for schooling, he had food, and money and everything equivalent to what I have at my disposal now with the exception of the modern technology.

His basic needs were provided... in not one but [U]TWO[/U] locations. With the ability for him not to have to provide for his own survival to too much of an extent. Gentlemen, I am extremely blessed. As I am sure each one of us is to some extent.


Postby Guest » Sun May 16, 2010 12:53 pm

The above is not me boasting, as much as it is me realizing I need to stop bitching as much.

Postby Guest » Sun May 16, 2010 10:42 pm

[QUOTE=Finesse;36186]The above is not me boasting, as much as it is me realizing I need to stop bitching as much.[/QUOTE]

I didn't get the vibe that you were boasting at all. I think everyone should step back and think of all the things they have in life and be grateful for it (besides just on turkey day).

Everyone gets so caught up of what they don't have that they don't realize that each and veryone of us is truly blessed, whether you feel that way or not...:/

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