Anything goes

Postby Guest » Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:10 pm

need an invite to watch the videos.

Im worth the add if you have seen me in play.

i have read The game, mystery method, a book to get in touch with yourself(thanks PP) and a book about body language... so far

so i guess pm me for the invite or send it to my email [email][/email](made it a long time ago haha)

Postby Guest » Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:30 pm

I've been a member for quite some time, already used up my invites for invites to some other sites...but honestly just go lurk in the #bitseduce irc chat room for a few with a few people...and one of the ops will notice and ask you a few questions then invite you. I got mine in 10 hours of lurking.

Postby Guest » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:08 pm

how do u lurk in irc chat room?
details plz smirks :P

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