I need something added to my website. I can't seem to talk my brother into helping me out.
Website: [url]www.playercool.com[/url]
Under each post I would like a comments section. I would like it to email me anytime someone posts a comment. It should be very similar to what you see on blogspot blogs.
I figure this should take a skilled programmer about 1-2 hours.
I will sit down with whoever wants to do this and provide real estate knowledge. I am a full time investor. I flip houses for a living and have been doing so as my only occupation for a couple+ years now. I am well versed in many different avenues of real estate and could talk your head off for hours. If I knew as much PUA stuff as I did real estate I would be a GURU for sure.
So if you know what you are doing I will take you to lunch and spend a couple hours talking about real estate...and PUA related stuff if you choose.
PM me if this is up your alley.