A name change possible? or is it looked down upon?

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A name change possible? or is it looked down upon?

Postby Gambit » Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:19 pm

Well obviously my PUA name is Voul and it does have some sentimental value to me but I believe I have come up with a name more suitable to me.


Does any1 know if this name is taken by any1 local or any popular PUAs/PUGs? I did notice it wasn't taken in this lair.

My reason for changing it is because I have a job as a local casino dealer and have had alot of practice with cards/card tricks/card illusions and am goin to begin placing that heavily in my routines.

Just a bit of background Voul comes from the word Voulnara (which that word comes off a language from latin so if you look it up you may find the word Voulnis which means wounds in latin). Sequis et Voulnara (coming from the latin phrase Sanguis et Voulnis) is my family creed from my dad's side of the family (it means "Blood and Wounds." Moral of it is you do what you have to and work at your dreams no matter how much pain and how much of your own blood you have to spill to accomplish it. At least that's my interpretation). But when it comes to screen names and such I've always been Voul. But on the field I find it kinda hard to explain how I got the name and when you say it it's not very appealing in my opinion.

So I guess where I'm gettin at is I like the name "Gambit" because it'll go along with some of my personal skills that I plan on applying in my routines and he's also my favorite X-Men character from back in the comic days! :D Is changing your name fine on the forums or not looked highly upon because I may confuse people by doing so on who I am?
Sequis Et Voulnara
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Postby BrotherBeau » Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:24 pm

I don't know why you would change it... It sounds like such an interesting name. It obviously has relevance behind it, giving you an instant story, since people can not help but ask about it.

Honestly it shouldn't matter what your name is or if you change it. Just make sure that the name represents you and that you are the most comfortable with that name. Otherwise you'll psyche yourself out before you even approach. If you're not comfortable in your own skin... shed it.

If your name uniquely defines you, and only you, you will never have any problems as far as name choosing. Gambit was one of my favorite X-Men characters as well(he should have been in any of the Trilogy... still mad about that), and ya he was suave and southern. But will you be able to handle the typical "Gambit? Still reading comic books(or insert any slam after you explain your name)? How childish..." (which you should be able to counter, but would you want to do that during the bulk of your approaches?).

I call dibs on Voul when it goes up on the market!
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Postby Mojo » Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:44 pm

Voul and Gambit are both cool names. I have not seen either in use anywhere, so from the best of my knowledge, you're safe.

Do what you feel is the better choice for you.
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Postby copperbosses » Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:15 pm

do you guys use your PUA name in the feild? I've seen that mystery does that.

How does that normally go?

Postby Vector » Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:08 pm

I never use my alter-ego name, and I think it's really rare. Mystery does, but he will also say "Mystery is my stage name, my real name is Erik"
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