Spring break Cancun!

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Spring break Cancun!

Postby nitrogin » Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:43 pm

So I understand this may be a bit off topic and look a little spammy but I'm trying to organize a trip to Cancun in the late spring break time frame (last weekend of march ). Total of 4 nights 3/25 - 3/27 + 2 nights before or after. I'm posting here to see if there's any interest. Here's the breakdown of estimated costs: Plane tic: $400 - $500 (if traveling from San Francisco. Please check yourself for plane tics from your city)
Accommodation: As cheap as $20/ night if we stay in hostels. If we have enough we'll get a room in a resort and that should be super cheap too
Extra expenses - Club cover + Drinks + Food + Transport + Misc - $200 - $400 A little about myself: I'm from San Francisco and have been in the game for about 8 months now. I would say I'm intermediate and can open and escalate but have trouble closing.
A little about Cancun (if you're not already aware): Cancun is synonymous in contemporary pop culture with the craziest, wildest and most uncontrolled debauchery that a typical american adult ever experiences. From all of the accounts I've heard from friends who've been there, it's basically bitches living in an alternate reality where everything goes, especially sex. This is one experience I missed out on during my college days and I definitely want to make up for that. I think every PUA should check this place out at least once in their lifetime. I've done spring break in Miami which ranks at #3 in the best spring break spots in the world and that itself was pretty nuts so Cancun (which is #1) should be a lot better. If you need hard proof here's some stats:
http://www.rwjf.org/vulnerablepopulatio ... p?id=21831 The best thing I would recommend is to do a quick google search on spring break Cancun and see what comes up If any of y'all are interested in gaming the easiest place in the world at the easiest time of the year with the hottest most DTF bitches email me back at keepinitreal99@gmail.com and tell me a little something about yourself. I will need you to make a firm decision since I may need to book a hotel room based on the total headcount.
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:42 pm

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