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Brad P events cancelled

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:26 pm
by brad p.
Guys some shit has come up and I'm not gonna be able to get down to dallas in january.

Hoping to reschedule for a later time.
You can get my stuff on CD in the meantime if you're itching to try high impact NYC style game. it's at

Brad P.

You are full of shit

PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:01 am
by TxSurfer
You posted on the other lairs site that you were still having the event. At least you are not a real major PUG, only a minor one. You have no ethics.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:12 pm
by brad p.
word travels fast. 3 days after cancelling, there was a surge in interest in the other lair, and the leaders got me to de-cancel it. but I've come to the conclusion that since the lairs have so much conflict, the only way to do this is with just 1 at a time.

As I told Mojo, I'm hoping to do an exclusive with this lair in the future, but right now there's very little interest form the guys in this lair. I had a grand total of zero sign ups from this lair, and that's after 3 months of me and mojo getting the word out. As you said, I'm not a major PUA guru, only a minor one, so I can't travel to dallas with no sign ups. That's like if I asked you to go to work in NYC, pay your own flight to get there, and then told you maybe you'll get paid, maybe you won't.

So i don't mean to slight you guys, it's nothing personal, there's just no way a minor guru can hold events with both lairs in an environment of conflict. But props to mojo for giving it a really good shot. Both of us tried really hard to get you guys interested and signed up.

and it was nice meeting all of you on the MB here.


PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:17 pm
by Neuromancer
I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to word this post. The truth is I don't feel there is a conflict between the boards. I do feel someone has a problem with the existence 2 groups in town or worse yet wants to be in charge of the whole DFW community at the expense of the community. I am being caught up in a power game that is effecting my growth and that is just sad. I am in this to make my life better and make the lives of those around me better. Brad, it is sad you have been caught up in this power game too. I advise you to not pick a side, take the high road. Good luck with your business. I have my own business and I know what it is like and if you need some custom Tee shirts made to sell at your seminars, let me know, I would be glad to help. That's what I do. My motto in business is “My success is defined by the success of my clients.”

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:53 pm
by Mojo
Hey guys,

No need to be rude. Congratulations to the other lair having Brad P. here in Dallas. I encourage anyone who wants to go to this event to register at It is great to have Brad P. in Dallas. Take advantage of it. We will be having some more major PUA’s in May.



PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:19 pm
by Welsh_Dragon
Very nobile Mojo and good of you to post.

Were I Brad P and had I to decide, for business sake, whether to pick the longer established lair with more members vs the newer smaller one I would do the same. After all business is business and $ is $.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:22 pm
by Self
Clearly Brad has class. Wish I could kick up the cash to go.