Sarging expeditions, boot camp announcements, find a wingman, & other events

Postby ccarts90 » Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:56 pm

Hey guys. This is just a suggestion.

Lately, I have been using this site called to meet new people and socialize more. What I like about is the interface of it and the simplicity of it all. You can also create closed groups and approve of people joining the meetup group and the meetup groups planned activities.

Here's a few screen captures of the website:

What am I trying to get at?
This is a great site, but I found it by chance and I see that people are constantly looking for wings. I think it would be a great idea if we create a meetup group and we can also put a link to this site on the meetup group page.

1. A meetup group can be made called "Dallas PUA Meetup"
2. It can be a closed group, which means that only members that are approved will see the group content and the group meetups
3. It could be a more organized way to setup group outings and sarging missions
4. It could be used as a way for us to see the faces of our fellow PUA group.
5. There is an app associated with so whenever someone creates a meetup group outing or whenever someone posts something to the group, you get an app alert.

Thoughts about this? I think it would be a nifty idea.
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Postby ccarts90 » Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:00 pm

This would also be a good idea to create this group, because we can attract more people from the site itself, get more wings, more people, etc.
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Postby CowboyQB » Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:20 pm

About 7 years ago there actually was a Dallas meet up group. I don't remember the name. I searched for it recently but couldn't find it. However I know it used to be there cause I went to one of the meet ups. I think they had a meeting once a week. I found it by accident but at that time i was looking to make new friends cause all my current friends were married.

Before the meeting, I had never heard of "the Game", "mystery method" or anything related to PUAs. So it was a pretty eye opening first meeting for me.

At the meeting, a couple of guys practiced their openers and worked on their routines. The meeting organizer showed us a video of him talking to girls. He had a hidden camera on him, or maybe he was running a cell phone video.

Anyway I'm all for a meetup group. Anything we can do to get our community more active again sounds great.

I'm not sure how the group me app works. But I like the idea of using a text message app like groupme, line or whatsapp to create a large chat group. So if anyone is going out sarging & needs a wing, we can instantly communicate.
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Postby CowboyQB » Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:24 pm

So are you volunteering to set it up for us?

Im not sure how the logistics go when creating a meet up group. Can you have multiple administrators? Can you switch out admins?
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Postby Algorithm() » Wed Sep 28, 2016 3:11 am

I love While I was in Dallas I used it to make friends with some pretty cool people in the area. CowboyQB I volunteer my services if you want me to set this up.
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Postby CowboyQB » Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:35 pm

Algorithm if you are nominating yourself then I'll second your nomination!

That would be awesome.

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Postby Mojo » Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:23 am

I 3rd that nomination.

It's awesome to see guys getting active again!
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Postby Algorithm() » Fri Sep 30, 2016 4:50 pm

I am honored at the enthusiasm for my nomination :).

Updates with the Meetup: I've looked into it. To make your own Meetup you need to pay a subscription fee. If you guys insist that a Meetup is the best option we can work something out money wise.

Otherwise, what do you all think of a Facebook group? Any other suggestions? I'll poll interest from the comments below. You can also PM me with suggestions.
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Postby CowboyQB » Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:50 pm

How much are we talking annually?

I don't think it has to be on, that was just the first suggestion.

Now that you mentioned Facebook, you triggered my memory. There used to be a Facebook group back in the day. So I checked and there are two existing groups Dallas PUA & Dallas PUA Liar. Both public groups, both with one member. And I am the only member of one of those groups!!! It's so inactive I forgot all about that. I must have joined that back in 08 or 09.

If we went the FB route, we would need to make it a private, closed group. And if we do that, could people still search for it to fin us and join?
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Postby Algorithm() » Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:48 pm

We can make a new group where I can be the admin. That will allow for better policing I feel. Also Meetup costs $20 a month or $85 for six months. My memory fails me so those may not be exact numbers, but it's not totally cheap. No one else has messaged me so unless I guess I'll go the Facebook route if no one says anything to the contrary.
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