Sarge_Mission.Start(date = 9/16/16);

Sarging expeditions, boot camp announcements, find a wingman, & other events

Re: Sarge_Mission.Start(date = 9/16/16);

Postby joshnex » Sun Apr 29, 2018 5:00 am

Algorithm() wrote:Algorithm() here,

To all the PUAs in the Dallas area. Who's ready for an epic weekend?

I understand that a sarge mission hasn't been put on in a long time. Let's change that, and inject some vigor and spirit into the Dallas pickup community. I call upon all those eager and ready for adventure to meet up at Renfield's Corner, in Uptown, on September 16 at 10:00 pm. We will start with introductions, and then split off into groups to seize our rightful glory. This mission has, of course, been approved by the one and only Mojo himself, who may be in attendance if enough interest is shown. Mojo, as you might know, is the creator of this forum, and was the leader in the Dallas pickup scene years back. If you're looking to learn from one of the masters themselves, sarge alongside your fellow pickup brothers in arms, and are itching for a wondrous story to tell, you know where to find us.

See you on the battlefield,


hmu, find me on

Josh Nex

PS: PM or email me if you have any questions or need my number.
Posts: 21
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:49 am


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