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Lookin 4 day game wings. Mall Game

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:51 pm
by budguy68
Whats up guys.

I am doing mall game again and I am looking for a regular day game wing. Feel like I need to go out more and take more action from my usual 2 nights a week.

Here's kinda what I am looking for.
-When: Go do Mall Game at Least 2 times a week, evening times
-Location: Galleria Mall and North Park Mall (open to other places, IE festival events, downtown, other malls)
-Be able to approach, (if you want to sit it out and watch me approach the first day or whatever that's fine. I was like that at one point so I understand)

Ohh yeah. I bought some video camera spy sunglasses so I'll be recording my own approaches. I can record group approaches as well.


Re: Lookin 4 day game wings. Mall Game

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:08 am
by Lord_Byron
Hey man, I'm interested in coming along. I'm still a bit new and haven't really done much approaching yet, but I really want to get into day game. I don't want to start sarging by myself, so this could work out. I like Sasha's day game style a lot and would probably be a lot like that.