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December Meet-Up: Goal Setting & Your Social Life, Fri 12/14

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:14 am
by Triumvirate
As 2012 draws to a close, its time to start looking at your goals for 2013.

You have goals financially, with you health, and socially, but how do you ensure that these goals are achieved so that you're not reading this post next year wondering: "What happened?"

For the meet-up this month, we will be discussing goal-setting in general and specifically how it relates to talking to women. We will look at how to vastly improve your social skills by taking it from something that you dabble in to something that you are committed to.

At this meeting we will discuss:

I. 5 Steps of Effective Goal-Setting
II. How to Ensure Accountability in Your Goals
III. Thinking of your Goals as Something that You GET to do instead of something you HAVE to do

You will also get key questions answered such as:
A. How long does is take to get GOOD talking to women?
B. Does improving other areas of my life improve my game?
C. What should I be doing night to night to better my game?
D. What the hell do I say?

My hope is that the tools and skills in this talk are some things that can be used by people of all skill levels. So whether you are completely new or have published your own e-book join me for this talk. Details below:

Who: Triumvirate will be your Host and MC

When: December 14th, 2012 Talk begins at 8 pm, but I encourage you to get there by 7:30 so that you can get something to eat and meet the other guys before the talk begins

Cafe Express
3230 McKinney Ave.
Dallas, TX 75204

Re: December Meet-Up: Goal Setting & Your Social Life, Fri 1

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:59 pm
by voyager
Yea I'll be there. Keep us posted on the location and time.

Re: December Meet-Up: Goal Setting & Your Social Life, Fri 1

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:04 pm
by hustler
Damn, wish I was in town then...

Re: December Meet-Up: Goal Setting & Your Social Life, Fri 1

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:08 am
by Eazy
I plan on going

Re: December Meet-Up: Goal Setting & Your Social Life, Fri 1

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:40 pm
by Mojo
Are these events free? is a question I often receive via email or pm. Yes, all events are FREE unless otherwise stated :)

Re: December Meet-Up: Goal Setting & Your Social Life, Fri 1

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:06 pm
by studeyp
I'll be there Friday.

I'd be curious to see a thread on various people in the community's goals for I'll get it started since we're talking about goal-setting...

My personal goal would be to have a harem of 5 consisting of girls that are HB8s+ that are cool with the situation. More social circle, fewer dates. More 5-star recruits into the starting line-up. Looking forward to coming up with a game-plan!

Right now the latest rolodex is about 20 solid. Another goal would be to build this up to 100.

Who's next?

Re: December Meet-Up: Goal Setting & Your Social Life, Fri 1

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:08 pm
by Triumvirate
I like how you started with specific numbers in the thread. You got less specific and as a result, those goals are less likely to be accomplished. How many social circle events are you currently conducting a month? How many dates are going on a month? What would you like those numbers to be by April 1, 2012?

You said you have a Rolodex with 20 numbers. Are those 20 women who will all respond if you text them or just a random smattering of names and numbers? How long did it take to get to 20 and when do you want to get 100?

Anyway good start. Who's next?

Re: December Meet-Up: Goal Setting & Your Social Life, Fri 1

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:16 pm
by Montepalacio
I will be there!

Re: December Meet-Up: Goal Setting & Your Social Life, Fri 1

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:19 pm
by Mojo
I'll be there

Re: December Meet-Up: Goal Setting & Your Social Life, Fri 1

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:29 am
by pianoman
I'd like to come, but I may late due to business travel.