by Guest » Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:00 pm
I will detail my daily experiences for further review later and so I can visually see my progress.
+ I will add some quick venue reviews of the places I sarge.
[u]Day 1[/u]
I go to Chik-Fil-A to grab a bite to eat at like 1:30 pm.
Review: 1 HB7 sitting outside eating with her mom. Lots of cute looking moms, if you are into chicks with kids and sarging them with their child there then I would highly recommend Chik-fil-a as a sarging place. Otherwise it's more like No-Chick-fil-a....
Ok so my joke was gay.
Venue jump to Target.
I am waiting for my wing, he is new to the community and is a member of the Dallaslair, but never logs on, I don't think he is serious about Pick Up because I told him about it and he didn't figure it out on his own.
I walk the perimeter of Target like 3 times.
My wing sends me a text that he has to bail on me...ok fine. Want to practice solo sarging anyways.
So I scan Target.
No HBs.
There's usually at least 1 there so I am surprised.
There is a cute cougar, but I am not into cougars.
I wouldn't suggest Target as a good sarging location on Mondays early afternoon.
Venue jump to Wal Mart.
I walk around.
Go to electronics.
Two cute girls working at cell phone section.
I have some AA as I haven't sarged solo much at all, but I decide to force myself to open the blonde one.
After gaining this courage I walk back to cell phone section and lo and behold, she is gone. Both HBs are gone.
I walk Wal Mart several more times.
There is little to no HBs there.
Having to go to work at 5, I decide Wal Mart is my last sarging location today.
So I make the decision that I HAVE to open at least 1 set.
I am walking around grocery section and spot this HB6.5, I rate her so low because she has a big blemish on her forehead, otherwise she would be a 7, but still not my type.
So anyways I come up with my Peanut Butter opener: "Hey I just started living on my own and I am having trouble making a decision about something. Should I go with crunchy or smooth peanut butter?"
So I walk down an aisle in front of the aisle she is on so I can meet her at the end of her aisle.
As I am turning the corner to get to her aisle there she is!
Kinda surprised me, but I knew I had to act fast.
So I observe my surroundings, I didn't want to use pb opener if we weren't in the pb section.
Luckily we were in the pb section :)
I open with my opener and she says I should go with smooth.
She said it in a bitchy way.
I noticed I had horrible body language and had a startled tone to my voice.
As I was typing out my pb opener, I realised it was poorly constructed too.
Not only is it a lie, I still live with my parents, but I should have had more social awareness in my opener.
Here is the more improved pb opener: "Hey, I know this is completely random, but I just moved in by myself and I am having trouble deciding on whether I should get crunchy or smooth pb. What do you think?"
Long story short, none of the places I went to today were good sarging locations for me.
If I was 20 yrs older I would have had a blast.
Anyways, my goal for this week is to be able to open ANYONE at ANYTIME and ANYWHERE.
No more excuses.
Cougars, hired guns, octogenarians, hot babes, and even guys won't be able to avoid being opened by me at the end of the week! (obviously I won't actually look to close the Cougars, octogenarians, and guys lol. They will still be good social proof tho.)
Goal of Day 1 of sargathon: open one HB while solo sarging.
One small step for Jason PUA, one giant leap for Jason AFC.
Goal for Day 2: open 2 HBs while solo sarging.