Accountability Group

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Accountability Group

Postby nica1 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:36 pm

Hey guys I'm new to Dallas and recently started my journey to improve my success with women. I know there are lots of sarge groups and whatnot out there. That's awesome but I wanted to suggest another type of meetup: the accountability meetup.

Here is what I propose. A group of 2-4 guys meetup up for a short period of time (ex: Sunday at 12:00pm) EACH week. We would discuss goals we set for ourselves for that week. Each week we tell the other guys if we achieved our weekly goals. For example, did I approach the 20 women as I had set out to do? Whoever doesn't achieve their self chosen weekly goals has to do something funny/stupid as punishment. Nothing crazy just something that will keep you motivated haha!

I live near SMU and I am looking for some guys to do this with. Again, the purpose of the group is ACCOUNTABILITY. If we cannot set personal goals and accomplish them then will we ever improve?

Other, SECONDARY, functions of the group would be support, motivation, sharing perspectives, sarging, and even friendship. However, accountability is the MAIN purpose.

So who's down. Post below or PM me if you are interested in starting an ACCOUNTABILITY group with me.


Re: Accountability Group

Postby Triumvirate » Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:49 pm

Thank you for taking proactive steps to improve your dating life. In regard to the accountability group, I think it will be difficult to find 4 people of similar skills who will be dedicated enough to go out three nights a week consistently AND take time out to talk about it weekly. If you can form such an group though, you guys will grow massively. Until you do get that group assembled, might I suggest you join the groupme group for Dallas PUA? You can find out where the most active guys are going to be on a night to night basis. PM me if this is something that interests you.

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Re: Accountability Group

Postby dovakhiin » Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:28 pm

You definitley got your head straight nica , and i will join ur group but i dont know/forgort where smu is at, im in richardson, we need a few more people though,
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Re: Accountability Group

Postby nica1 » Sat Dec 14, 2013 5:16 pm

This accountability group is made; we have reached four members and will add no more.

I would encourage ya'll to start your own accountability group with at total of 2-4 guys.


Re: Accountability Group

Postby IsiMan84 » Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:45 am

Let's see how many of those four are still around after six months versus the rest of the forum. I'm slightly curious.
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Re: Accountability Group

Postby Suzy_09 » Wed Feb 26, 2014 2:41 am

Nice post
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Re: Accountability Group

Postby Triumvirate » Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:31 pm

How is this group going three months later, Nica
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Re: Accountability Group

Postby Suit » Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:54 pm

Yea man his group is goin great. We got a solid group of guys. There are four of us that hit uptown on avg once a week as well as meet before to pre game, and after to do an after action report. We have some girls who go out with us sometimes also. We are all at different levels and all have different styles but we all work well together. By day we talk strategies and by night we are hittin uptown or the DMA or any other prime location. 8)

If anyone is interested let me know as Nica dose not get on here much.
We wanna help ourselves grow as well as others!
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Re: Accountability Group

Postby Triumvirate » Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:10 am

Last edited by Triumvirate on Sat Nov 07, 2015 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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