Sarging Assignment - David D.

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Sarging Assignment - David D.

Postby Mojo » Wed May 10, 2006 11:14 am

Interesting experiment put forth by David DeAngelo on how women are attracted to the Bad Boy over the Nice Guy...

I want you to do the following with the next 5
women that you talk to over the next few days...
(these should be women that you would be
interested in dating):

1) Smile all the time.

2) Be very nice, cordial, and friendly. Use no
sarcasm, and don't tease.

3) Act as if you really "like" the woman you're
talking to... and as if you're "interested" in

4) Give her lots of compliments.

5) Optional: Politely say, "You probably have a
boyfriend, right? Can I take you out sometime?"

Pay careful attention, and notice how the
women respond to you.

Now, I want you to try something different with
the NEXT 5 women you talk to...

1) Don't smile very often.

2) Pretend that you've known her for 20 years, and
that you're TOO comfortable around her. Tease her
for something that no one teases her about... like
the way she dresses, etc.

3) Pretend that she's interested in YOU, and has
been pursuing YOU, and that you're resisting her.
Make jokes about it and say things like, "I just
don't think things are going to work out between

4) Give her NO compliments of any kind. If she
gives you any say, "That's a cheesy pick up line.
Can't you think of something more original?"

5) Optional: Say, "Hey, do you have email? Good.
Write it down here..."

...and pay attention to the difference.

If you really "play it up", you'll notice a
HUGE difference between the first five women you
talk to and the next five.

During the first set of five, when you're being
a "Nice Wuss", you'll see the looks on the women's
faces that say, "Oh no. Another guy who "likes"
me. How can I get rid of him politely?..."

During the SECOND set of five, you'll see the
women opening their mouths with the "half smile,
half oh-no-you-didn't-just-say-that" look. You'll
feel a TENSION in the air. You'll notice that some
of the women will actually look at you as if they
can't believe what they're hearing.

If you're particularly sharp and funny, you
might just have one or two of them say, "I like
you... we have to hang out sometime" within the
first few minutes of the conversation. By the way,
you will NEVER hear that when you're playing the
"Nice Wuss".
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