Looking for experienced wingmen in Dallas!

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Looking for experienced wingmen in Dallas!

Postby Kasanova » Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:24 pm

Hello all,
My name is Kendrick Kasanova. You can check out my myspace page to verify that I am not a chode. myspace.com/KJKasanova. I'm a Navy Pilot that lives in Oklahoma City, but not for long because I'm moving to Japan in April. I took a Mystery Method Bootcamp in Chicago in July of 2006 and it has changed my life. I recently broke up with my serious girlfriend (yesterday) of one year so I am looking to get back in the swing of things. I will be in Dallas this Friday January 2nd on my way to Florida where I'll be living and going out for the entire month of January. I will be back in Oklahoma City for the entire month of February and would like to go out as much as possible both here in OKC and in Dallas. I've been sarging on and off for the past two years when I haven't had serious girlfriends. Obviously I'm gonna have to knock some rust off. All I ask is that you are at least 21. I'm looking for someone who knows the lay of the land in Dallas and can take me to some good venues. One of my ex girlfriends of 2 years is Michelle Rodriguez, a hot radio DJ in Dallas for 99.5 the Wolf. I'm up for Day Game, Night Game, and Stripper Game. If you are experienced and can help me get back in the swing of sarging it would be greatly appreciated. If you are not experienced or like me trying to get back in the game I'll share my knowledge and we'll just help eachother out so no worries. We're all in this game together so let's catch one another up to speed. After February I'll be living in Japan and will be posting on the Japan Lair. I want to get in as much practice as possible so that I can take Japan by storm. If you are interested give me a call 405-503-4712.
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:59 pm
Location: Oklahoma City

Public Apology

Postby Kasanova » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:28 am

Thanks for all the responses to my request for a wing. Unfortunately I was unable to make it to Dallas that particular weekend cause of work. I will be back in the area Friday February 6th so anytime after that I'll be able to go out and game with all of you. I'll just need a few days heads up cause I'll have to drive down from OKC, but even if its a weekday or an off night that's cool by me. Reference my original post as it still applies and give me a call. My phone number is at the bottom. For those that previously called me I no longer have your info as I recently got a new phone. I apologize for not being able to make it down to the Big "D" and thanks for understanding. I look forward to being out in field with you guys real soon.

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:59 pm
Location: Oklahoma City

Wing for Sunday Night February 8th 2009

Postby Kasanova » Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:52 pm

Hey guys,
I'll be passing through town tomorrow, Sunday night, on the way back to OKC. I'll be staying at the Fairmont Downtown and would like to go out while I'm in town. If anyone is interested in suggesting a good Sunday night place and going out I could use a good wing. Let me know!

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:59 pm
Location: Oklahoma City

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