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Online Sarge.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 5:05 am
by Guest
I heard about a man that hired a personal assistant to send women messages on dating sites and book dates for him. It occered to me, that I could do the same thing, but without hiring anyone. I?d just pretend to be my own personal assistant and send the messages myself. So, yesterday I sent this to 20 HBs on my space aged 25 to 35:


My name is Honey K. Balani. I am in Bangalore, India. I am writing to you on behalf of Mr. Scoundrel who employs me to take care of his personal business.

Mr. Scoundrel is a tall, handsome and charming man. He would like to schedule a 30 minute coffee date with you so the two of you can learn more about one another. If you are interested in meeting Mr. Scoundrel, please reply to this message so we may book a time that is convenient for you both.

Thank you in advance

~Honey KB~

So far, every HB that has read the message has sent a reply. They have found the message to be everything from ?interesting? to ?creepy.? They all have questions which I?m answering as vaguely as I can. I haven?t booked any dates yet, so I?ll have to post an update later. My plan is to book about five half hour dates all in the same coffee house about an hour apart.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:59 am
by Guest
genious man .... tell us what happens.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:02 pm
by Guest

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:50 pm
by Guest
nice touch on the Bangalore India rofl

so does your "assistant" handle the email responses too?

let us know how this goes

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:16 am
by Guest
I do answer questions as my "asentant." For example;

HB: um thats actually really creepy...

Me (as my assentant): I do not understand.

I work for a company called Your Man in India. We provide personal and business assistance for busy people worldwide. I assure you, there is nothing sinister or creepy about it.


"Your Man in India" is for real and that is what they do. So, if she wants to check it out, she can.

This girl was a dead end. However, there are others that seem more interested. As I post this, most still haven't read the first message.

I'll post updates here as they happen.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:35 am
by Guest
I have a girl I'm seeing who I met on a dating site. She was getting more and more serious and one day I had to stress to her that I wanted to see other people, that I don't feel like I have to align with just one woman at this point in my life. When she was over my house the last time, she asked if she could use my computer to check something. What she was really doing was logging onto her online dating profile to show me how many options she has. Good play on her part. Too bad I didn't fall into her frame.

However, I did get to see online dating from a woman's perspective. She may have unwittingly helped me get other women if I ever decide to do that again.

Here's what I learned.
1. Women's profiles are looked at a lot. She has been on for a couple of weeks and her profile had over 16,000 views. So if you're thinking about whether she will notice if you looked at her profile again, she won't notice because 100 other men will probably look at her profile before she logs in again.
2. Women get a lot of emails. Way too many to deal with. She had to sort through them there were so many. Her "trash" folder was HUGE.
3. If your profile has a main, default picture that shows up with your email, then that picture is very, very important. When she was paging through her connections (more pages than I ever had connections at one time), she was scanning them by picture. She would say, "he's cute right?" I would say, "yeah, he's hot" to act unaffected, which I actually was. A close up picture of you smiling is the way to go. If you can get some professional pictures done where you almost look like a model, then that is the best.

From those three things, you can sort of see what to do. I love the email, but if you don't have a good default picture or a snappy subject, she won't even read it. All that effort may be for naught, because it may end up right in the trash and your "connection" will wind up on the back page QUICK.

If you get spam, do this exercise. Go into your junk email folder and find a subject line that compells you to open the email. Write that down. No, I don't mean "sexy latina tranny dildo viagra party." Spammers use tricks to make emails seem enticing. One, they put "Re:" at the beginning of the subject line. In fact, if you just put "Re:" and that's it, she might think she emailed you, because she's just the type of dork who can't think of a subject. Maybe try that on some of them. And then try "RE: Re: RE: Re:" just to test it out. Another is they put interesting words together like "gulp unequally" (I actually got this one from my junk email folder). You see that and you say to yourself, "what the fuck is that?" Curiosity alone compells you to open it. So find the most compelling subjects and use them. Seriously, you're a spammer, so if you don't use tricks to get noticed, you will end up in the trash faster than you can click send.

Also, get her on the phone as quickly as possible. Say you want her number because talking through email is so lame. We've heard over and over that communication is 93% nonverbal (hey, tell her that and she will probably want to hear your voice). So you can say the coolest thing in an email and if she's in a bad mood, she will hear it in a whiney, needy voice.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:11 pm
by Guest
i still can't stop laughing about this shit... a tall, handsome and charming man... :lol:

isn't bangalore where taj is from in van wilder?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:13 pm
by Guest
I'm starting to think that most of the chicks I sent this too are phony. Three of the profiles have been deleted already and only three others have read the message. But, all three that read it replied. Two were nos and one was a maybe.

Myspace may not be a good place to fish anymore.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:24 am
by Guest
Yeah, myspace is good for indirect game. It's not so good for going for a meetup right out of the gate. If you want to socialize with a girl from myspace, then you can game her. But I don't view it as a dating site. I think match and yahoo are the way to go for your email. I'm sure there are others, but those are the two more popular sites for dating. In fact, match is crawling with gold diggers who would bite at that bait.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:13 am
by Guest
Okay, the votes are in and this was a BAD idea. The most common word being used in replies is "creepy."