The "Question Game" pattern ending in a Kiss (MM)

Mystery Method, Speed Seduction, Cocky & Funny, etc. (Post only field tested material)

The "Question Game" pattern ending in a Kiss (MM)

Postby Guest » Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:52 am

You: "Let's play the question game."

Her: "What's the question game?"

You: "Well, it's like Truth or Dare but without the Dare, because I don't know how weird you are yet! The questions have to be good ones, no "where do you work" bullshit, ok? You go first!"

Her: "I can't think of anything!"

You: "Ok, how many boyfriends have you had?"

From there the questions will get deeper and more sexual as the game goes along. Then after you have been playing for a few minutes, when it's your turn you can say

You: "I have a good question for you... Would you like to kiss me?"

Her: "I don't know"

You: "Let's find out!"


You: "I thought so!"

Don't go overboard with the sexual questions though. Asking even one of the above questions might do just fine, especially if she respo

This is gold

Postby Guest » Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:37 pm

Used this on a "date" saturday. Was amazed to see it work exactly as written. Her: "I don't know" Me: "let's find out"

Jedi shit!

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