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Elevator game

Thu May 24, 2007 11:39 pm
by Twitchy
Field tested, Twitchy approved!
Riding in an elevator with a hot girl. When she pushes the button for which floor she is going to, ask "what is on X floor?". She will always answer with the company she works for. Then you ask what she does. They will usually ask what you do.
Then, as you are rushed for time, tell them you would love to get to know them better and ask for their number or email.
Its bold. Its easy. It works.

Fri May 25, 2007 12:12 am
by Twitchy
My best friend at work used this routine we created to game a HB10 and get her number. They have a day 2 lined up for Wednesday and have been trading emails several times a day.
I used it again today on a cute, hispanic girl. Worked like a charm. Nothing like bringing some excitement to a HB's work day.

Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:43 am
by TheAwakened
Here's another important tip: Don't fart.

Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:48 am
by Finesse
no wonder I keep messing up thanks Awakened.

Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:02 pm
by Rhody
I don't really have any success with gaming in the elevator, but my building is only seven floors. It seems like all the hot women are on the 3rd or 4th floor, so they get off quickly (heh!).
But I usually strike up a conversation about elevator etiquette or how people behave strangely in the elevator due to necessarily having their personal space invaded. For example, I let a couple of seconds pass and then say, "don't you love uncomfortable silence?" For some reason, this opens them right up.
But my favorite is when she gets on and presses, say, 5, and someone else presses 3. When the other person gets off on the 3rd floor, she will ALWAYS press 5 again. Every time! So I ask if that makes the door close faster, tease her about knowing all about how elevators work, etc.
I haven't gotten any #closes out of it, but I love striking up conversations in the elevator. You can just feel the tension with so many people cramped together, trying not to make eye contact, checking their cell phones, etc. Then I make an innoccuous comment and I can feel everybody relax all at once. They release that breath they were holding and laugh or talk or smirk. It feels good to affect people like that, to break their state.

Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:39 pm
by Finesse
One of the things I LOVE doing is (when you are getting on the elevator in the lobby with someone you KNOW you will see again) in a building that has 10 or more floors, if you get off on the 2nd or 3rd floor and she is going to 7th or above, right before you get off on your floor, press 2 more floors right before hers, then smile and say "have a nice day" and give her a little wink.
It's up to you from here on what you want to do. I have had them get on the elevator a week later with me, and once they see me they instantly start smiling and say something along the lines "oh great" or "Oh no not again".
To which I reply, "So you have been thinking about me this entire time? Wow."

Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:57 pm
by Westfall
Finesse wrote:One of the things I LOVE doing is (when you are getting on the elevator in the lobby with someone you KNOW you will see again) in a building that has 10 or more floors, if you get off on the 2nd or 3rd floor and she is going to 7th or above, right before you get off on your floor, press 2 more floors right before hers, then smile and say "have a nice day" and give her a little wink.
HAHA! That is so me. What is also fun is to push ALL of the buttons and stay in the elevator. If she asks why you did that, tell her you don't remember what floor you work on. On every floor, stick your head out, look around and say "Nope, not this one".