Learning To Amaze - Magic

Note: This is copy pasted from the MysteryMethod forums, but without all of the conversation filtered out. Enjoy.
Ok, so since my magic thread got a pretty good amount of attention and discussion [and since I have some free time on my hands], I'm going to start a thread on simply amazing people using magic.
So first, we're going to look into what magic is, and what it can do for you.
noun 1. the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc
All of the magic I'll be discussing will be illusions. Some will be so convincing that people will actually think you have supernatural powers. If, for some odd reason you can do REAL magic, then why the hell are you reading this post? Magic will cover things that are very impromptu and easy, to complex with alot of setup. It all just comes down to personal preference. Personally, I like to do tricks that are the strongest and the most impromptu, because I generally don't have the time or patience to set up a long trick. I also generally stay away from angle-sensitive magic, because prying eyes could easily kill a sarge if someone decides to AMOG your ass in a public area.
How can magic be used?
Magic can be used almost anywhere, at any point of the sarge. For instance, one could casually do a trick to a wing with a HB watching. Later, when you sarge her, you would already have DHV and rapport created. Another situation would be to ask a HB to come in your house so you can show her a trick . The beauty of magic is in its versatility and value.
Is magic easy?
Yes and no. Generally, with practice, a person could learn a trick in a single night, but there are harder tricks and flourishes that require practice and patience to master.
A couple of good traits to have / attain:
- Acting abilities. If you can sell a trick with your gestures and facial expressions, then the effect will be MUCH more effective. You need to seem as if you can really do magic.
- Coordination. I cannot stress enough that you have to be smooth and fluid with your hands to realize a trick's full potential. Practice, practice, practice.
- Patience. VERY rarely will you get a trick on your first try. If the cards fly everywhere and your trick messes up, don't sweat it. You need to have the patience to see a trick through until you master it.
Now, most of the most amazing tricks are some of the simplest. I will post pictures of the tricks in progress [the tricks can sometimes be very hard to follow with just text], in step by step photos. But first, let me type out a few tricks to start us off.
The Coin through Can Trick:
A very popular trick, with no setup at all. When done right, this trick will drop jaws. Best done outside.
- Effect: The magician takes a coin with the subjects initials on each side, and slams it inside of a sealed can of soda or beer. The can is then inspected to be clean, then the magician pours out the liquid inside of the can, and the signed coin is inside.
- What you need: A quarter, or coin of about the same dimensions, and a sealed can. You may also want a sharpie if you want to add in the signed effect.
- The Trick: This trick is going to seem complex, but once pictures are up it is quite simple.
Alright, so you have a can in one hand and a quarter in the other. The coin can be signed ahead of time to add authenticity to the trick.
The coin should be in the middle of the right palm [or left, depending on preference], and the can should be in the other hand, with the butt of the can facing the hand with the quarter.
Then you speak of a weak spot in the bottom of the can, where a quarter could penetrate to the inside without ever breaking the can. Then, with the can tilted slightly upward, you slam the coin into the back of the can. The coin should rest, balancing, on the lip of the can.
But of course your audience doesn't know that. With the coin balanced on the lip of the butt of the can, you show your other hand, while passing the can from one hand to the other. When you open your other hand [the one that originally had the can], you're going to lightly jerk the can, throwing the coin from the lip of the can back into your palm. Then, you rotate the can so that the mouth is facing up, and you grasp the can, trapping the coin in between your hand and the coin itself. With your other hand [the one not gripping the can], you take the can, while pulling the quarter to the back of the can and holding it up against the side with your thumb. Then, with hands open, you rotate the can, keeping the quarter pressed against the can and out of site. While rotating, the coin should never move.
Then, you take the can with the quarter pressed up against the back and rotate it fully, so that the bottom is now up in the air. Rotate it some more, and explain that the butt has no holes or slits. Spin it some more, and reverse the rotation so that the top is now once again on top. Rotate the can while explaining that the top is still sealed, and stop rotating with the mouth FACING YOU. This is very important, because it will make opening the can easier.
Next, you're going to explain how you can sometimes hear the coin. With both hands, you're going to slip the coin quickly on top of the sealed mouth of the can. If it makes any clinking noise while going up, you can explain that you "just heard it". While LIGHTLY holding the coin with both thumbs on top of the mouth, shake the can next to your ear. Your grip should be light enough for the coin to move here and there and make a light clinking noise. That clinking, mixed with the liquid churning, should make the coin sound like it's actually inside of the can.
Now comes the easy part. You simply step back from the audience, and say that you're going to open it, and that you're stepping back because it might spray since you've shaken it. While moving back, you're going to slide the coin from on top of the mouth to on top of the tab. Then, open the can with the coin pressed against the tab. When open, let the coin slide in, and push the tab back down. The fizz should cover up anything if you should fumble. Then, pour out the can onto grass or into a sink, and shake the can. If the desire, you can rip open the can and return to them the signed coin. Ask them to keep the coin as a souvenir, and enjoy the reactions.
Now, this trick is of medium practice and of medium skill. I got this trick down in around an hour and a half of practicing. Just remember to keep the can at an angle to where to coin won't fall off of the lip, or where the audience can't see the resting coin.
Step - by - step pics will be up later tonight, and I'll do each trick in chapters.
I encourage everyone with something to contribute or questions to ask to please ask them. Magic is frustrating enough without having unanswered questions. If you have more tricks and material or suggestions, PLEASE STATE THEM. Many minds are better than one.
Let's learn to amaze.
Alright! I've got some pictures for ya'. If you need more, don't hesitate to ask, but I'm trying to do it as quickly, cleanly, and simply as possible.
Ok, so the first picture is just how the coin should start off in your hand.
The second is how the coin should rest on the lip.
The third is how you should hold the can while showing your other hand to be empty. With that grip, you should smoothly jerk the coin off the lip into your hand.
The fourth is how the coin will end up between your hand and the can. Obviously, your hand will wrap around the can, but my hand's open just for placement.
The fifth is how your thumb should grip the coin against the can. Notice how the thumb covers the front, not the middle or back. You're going to rotate the can with the same grip used to jerk it, but vertical.
The sixth is the coin against the can in mid rotation. As you can see, the coin does NOT move, and remains out of sight. The can should be the only thing moving. Once again, rotate with the same grip.
The eigth is how your hand should hold the coin against the mouth. Couple of things to notice here:
1) The coin should be held with BOTH hands, but obviously I have to hold the camera.
2) The coin should be held next to your ear while shaking to keep the coin concealed.
The last picture is how the coin should rest on top of the tab. Note how you can still open the can with the coin resting as it is. The coin then should slide off the tab and into the can when opening it.
Then, just pour and shake. Shabam.
Edit: I plan on adding one trick each day or so, until this post is enough for a full routine.
Here we go. A little late, I know, but here's the link for the video.
As of this moment, it needs a minute or two to get setup in the site, so don't freak if you get an error. Just wait a few then refresh.
Alright, now that I have some more free time, on to the next trick!
We're going to start incorporating card tricks. Here it is:
The Blood Prediction Trick [Stigmata]:
Effect: The subject picks a card, then shuffles it while the magicians back is turned, and then the magician turns around and then asks the subject to squeeze the magician's wrist or hand, and then when they let go their card appears in bright red on the magician's arm.
How to do it: This trick is much simpler than the last one, but it's still pretty complex if you know how to force a card. So, assuming that you do NOT know how to do a card force, I'll split it up into two parts.
Forcing Cards: Ok, so the whole purpose is to give someone the impression that they're picking a random card while the magician knows which card they have. I'm going to cover my favorite force, but keep in mind that there are tons of other ways to force a card. Once you master forcing, you can make tricks on the spot pretty easily.
This force, which I've named the riffle force, is quite simple an easy but it WORKS. Simply, you're going to take the cards in a 'Mechanics' grip [see pictures once they're up, but basically they're in your left hand if your right handed, with your fingers extending along the sides to the top] and you're going to stick the tiniest piece of the flesh of your pinky into the corner of the cards. [once again, see pictures] This is also known as getting a 'break'. In order for the force to work, you're going to need to know the card on the bottom of the top packet.
Then, you're going to hold the deck as if you aren't holding a break at all. You simply use your right hand to slowly riff the cards from bottom to top, while asking the subject to say "Stop" whenever they want. Just stop when they say stop, put your hands down slightly and separate at your break. Don't worry; they will never notice. Then, give them the card that you know. Bam.
If this confuses you, stick through it 'till pictures are up.
Now, back to the Prediction.
You're going to force the card, and have them put it back into the deck. Then you tell them to shuffle it, and that you're going to turn your back to insure that you can't see it. Then, while they're focused on the person shuffling, scratch the NUMBER or LETTER of the card on either your palm or wrist. If you don't have nails to do this with, sneak a broken pencil. The whole scratching process takes a whole of 5 seconds if your slow. The subject will tell you that they're done, then you turn around and ask them to hold up their left hand [assuming you scratched it into your left arm / hand] and to squeeze your wrist/arm as hard as they can while thinking of the card, minus the suit. Here's my usual line:
"I want you to picture the card you got, but without the suit. The suit doesn't matter. For instance, if you had the *Nine* of *clubs*
[insert a card OTHER than theirs in between the stars], then it'd just be the *nine*. So, you've got the card. Now I want you to repeat it over and over, while picturing the card in your head. Alright, now let go. See where my arm / hand turned red from you squeezing? Watch."
Then once they've released their grip, rub your hand lightly as if you were sweeping dust off a table. Their number should appear, and then if you performed it well enough then they will be AMAZED. Seriously, this is one of the most powerful tricks I know of. Enjoy.
Expect pics soon!
Questions / Comments?
Sorry, but that's all I'm going to add for now.
There's 13 pages of posts to sift through and I'm WAY too tired to do it all at once. I'll get around to it after awhile
Ok, so since my magic thread got a pretty good amount of attention and discussion [and since I have some free time on my hands], I'm going to start a thread on simply amazing people using magic.
So first, we're going to look into what magic is, and what it can do for you.
noun 1. the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc
All of the magic I'll be discussing will be illusions. Some will be so convincing that people will actually think you have supernatural powers. If, for some odd reason you can do REAL magic, then why the hell are you reading this post? Magic will cover things that are very impromptu and easy, to complex with alot of setup. It all just comes down to personal preference. Personally, I like to do tricks that are the strongest and the most impromptu, because I generally don't have the time or patience to set up a long trick. I also generally stay away from angle-sensitive magic, because prying eyes could easily kill a sarge if someone decides to AMOG your ass in a public area.
How can magic be used?
Magic can be used almost anywhere, at any point of the sarge. For instance, one could casually do a trick to a wing with a HB watching. Later, when you sarge her, you would already have DHV and rapport created. Another situation would be to ask a HB to come in your house so you can show her a trick . The beauty of magic is in its versatility and value.
Is magic easy?
Yes and no. Generally, with practice, a person could learn a trick in a single night, but there are harder tricks and flourishes that require practice and patience to master.
A couple of good traits to have / attain:
- Acting abilities. If you can sell a trick with your gestures and facial expressions, then the effect will be MUCH more effective. You need to seem as if you can really do magic.
- Coordination. I cannot stress enough that you have to be smooth and fluid with your hands to realize a trick's full potential. Practice, practice, practice.
- Patience. VERY rarely will you get a trick on your first try. If the cards fly everywhere and your trick messes up, don't sweat it. You need to have the patience to see a trick through until you master it.
Now, most of the most amazing tricks are some of the simplest. I will post pictures of the tricks in progress [the tricks can sometimes be very hard to follow with just text], in step by step photos. But first, let me type out a few tricks to start us off.
The Coin through Can Trick:
A very popular trick, with no setup at all. When done right, this trick will drop jaws. Best done outside.
- Effect: The magician takes a coin with the subjects initials on each side, and slams it inside of a sealed can of soda or beer. The can is then inspected to be clean, then the magician pours out the liquid inside of the can, and the signed coin is inside.
- What you need: A quarter, or coin of about the same dimensions, and a sealed can. You may also want a sharpie if you want to add in the signed effect.
- The Trick: This trick is going to seem complex, but once pictures are up it is quite simple.
Alright, so you have a can in one hand and a quarter in the other. The coin can be signed ahead of time to add authenticity to the trick.
The coin should be in the middle of the right palm [or left, depending on preference], and the can should be in the other hand, with the butt of the can facing the hand with the quarter.
Then you speak of a weak spot in the bottom of the can, where a quarter could penetrate to the inside without ever breaking the can. Then, with the can tilted slightly upward, you slam the coin into the back of the can. The coin should rest, balancing, on the lip of the can.
But of course your audience doesn't know that. With the coin balanced on the lip of the butt of the can, you show your other hand, while passing the can from one hand to the other. When you open your other hand [the one that originally had the can], you're going to lightly jerk the can, throwing the coin from the lip of the can back into your palm. Then, you rotate the can so that the mouth is facing up, and you grasp the can, trapping the coin in between your hand and the coin itself. With your other hand [the one not gripping the can], you take the can, while pulling the quarter to the back of the can and holding it up against the side with your thumb. Then, with hands open, you rotate the can, keeping the quarter pressed against the can and out of site. While rotating, the coin should never move.
Then, you take the can with the quarter pressed up against the back and rotate it fully, so that the bottom is now up in the air. Rotate it some more, and explain that the butt has no holes or slits. Spin it some more, and reverse the rotation so that the top is now once again on top. Rotate the can while explaining that the top is still sealed, and stop rotating with the mouth FACING YOU. This is very important, because it will make opening the can easier.
Next, you're going to explain how you can sometimes hear the coin. With both hands, you're going to slip the coin quickly on top of the sealed mouth of the can. If it makes any clinking noise while going up, you can explain that you "just heard it". While LIGHTLY holding the coin with both thumbs on top of the mouth, shake the can next to your ear. Your grip should be light enough for the coin to move here and there and make a light clinking noise. That clinking, mixed with the liquid churning, should make the coin sound like it's actually inside of the can.
Now comes the easy part. You simply step back from the audience, and say that you're going to open it, and that you're stepping back because it might spray since you've shaken it. While moving back, you're going to slide the coin from on top of the mouth to on top of the tab. Then, open the can with the coin pressed against the tab. When open, let the coin slide in, and push the tab back down. The fizz should cover up anything if you should fumble. Then, pour out the can onto grass or into a sink, and shake the can. If the desire, you can rip open the can and return to them the signed coin. Ask them to keep the coin as a souvenir, and enjoy the reactions.
Now, this trick is of medium practice and of medium skill. I got this trick down in around an hour and a half of practicing. Just remember to keep the can at an angle to where to coin won't fall off of the lip, or where the audience can't see the resting coin.
Step - by - step pics will be up later tonight, and I'll do each trick in chapters.
I encourage everyone with something to contribute or questions to ask to please ask them. Magic is frustrating enough without having unanswered questions. If you have more tricks and material or suggestions, PLEASE STATE THEM. Many minds are better than one.
Let's learn to amaze.
Alright! I've got some pictures for ya'. If you need more, don't hesitate to ask, but I'm trying to do it as quickly, cleanly, and simply as possible.
Ok, so the first picture is just how the coin should start off in your hand.

The second is how the coin should rest on the lip.

The third is how you should hold the can while showing your other hand to be empty. With that grip, you should smoothly jerk the coin off the lip into your hand.

The fourth is how the coin will end up between your hand and the can. Obviously, your hand will wrap around the can, but my hand's open just for placement.

The fifth is how your thumb should grip the coin against the can. Notice how the thumb covers the front, not the middle or back. You're going to rotate the can with the same grip used to jerk it, but vertical.

The sixth is the coin against the can in mid rotation. As you can see, the coin does NOT move, and remains out of sight. The can should be the only thing moving. Once again, rotate with the same grip.

The eigth is how your hand should hold the coin against the mouth. Couple of things to notice here:
1) The coin should be held with BOTH hands, but obviously I have to hold the camera.
2) The coin should be held next to your ear while shaking to keep the coin concealed.

The last picture is how the coin should rest on top of the tab. Note how you can still open the can with the coin resting as it is. The coin then should slide off the tab and into the can when opening it.

Then, just pour and shake. Shabam.
Edit: I plan on adding one trick each day or so, until this post is enough for a full routine.
Here we go. A little late, I know, but here's the link for the video.
As of this moment, it needs a minute or two to get setup in the site, so don't freak if you get an error. Just wait a few then refresh.
Alright, now that I have some more free time, on to the next trick!
We're going to start incorporating card tricks. Here it is:
The Blood Prediction Trick [Stigmata]:
Effect: The subject picks a card, then shuffles it while the magicians back is turned, and then the magician turns around and then asks the subject to squeeze the magician's wrist or hand, and then when they let go their card appears in bright red on the magician's arm.
How to do it: This trick is much simpler than the last one, but it's still pretty complex if you know how to force a card. So, assuming that you do NOT know how to do a card force, I'll split it up into two parts.
Forcing Cards: Ok, so the whole purpose is to give someone the impression that they're picking a random card while the magician knows which card they have. I'm going to cover my favorite force, but keep in mind that there are tons of other ways to force a card. Once you master forcing, you can make tricks on the spot pretty easily.
This force, which I've named the riffle force, is quite simple an easy but it WORKS. Simply, you're going to take the cards in a 'Mechanics' grip [see pictures once they're up, but basically they're in your left hand if your right handed, with your fingers extending along the sides to the top] and you're going to stick the tiniest piece of the flesh of your pinky into the corner of the cards. [once again, see pictures] This is also known as getting a 'break'. In order for the force to work, you're going to need to know the card on the bottom of the top packet.
Then, you're going to hold the deck as if you aren't holding a break at all. You simply use your right hand to slowly riff the cards from bottom to top, while asking the subject to say "Stop" whenever they want. Just stop when they say stop, put your hands down slightly and separate at your break. Don't worry; they will never notice. Then, give them the card that you know. Bam.
If this confuses you, stick through it 'till pictures are up.
Now, back to the Prediction.
You're going to force the card, and have them put it back into the deck. Then you tell them to shuffle it, and that you're going to turn your back to insure that you can't see it. Then, while they're focused on the person shuffling, scratch the NUMBER or LETTER of the card on either your palm or wrist. If you don't have nails to do this with, sneak a broken pencil. The whole scratching process takes a whole of 5 seconds if your slow. The subject will tell you that they're done, then you turn around and ask them to hold up their left hand [assuming you scratched it into your left arm / hand] and to squeeze your wrist/arm as hard as they can while thinking of the card, minus the suit. Here's my usual line:
"I want you to picture the card you got, but without the suit. The suit doesn't matter. For instance, if you had the *Nine* of *clubs*
[insert a card OTHER than theirs in between the stars], then it'd just be the *nine*. So, you've got the card. Now I want you to repeat it over and over, while picturing the card in your head. Alright, now let go. See where my arm / hand turned red from you squeezing? Watch."
Then once they've released their grip, rub your hand lightly as if you were sweeping dust off a table. Their number should appear, and then if you performed it well enough then they will be AMAZED. Seriously, this is one of the most powerful tricks I know of. Enjoy.
Expect pics soon!
Questions / Comments?
Sorry, but that's all I'm going to add for now.
There's 13 pages of posts to sift through and I'm WAY too tired to do it all at once. I'll get around to it after awhile
