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Social Proof is proven...but not needed in club game

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:11 pm
by Lucky9
I have been meaning to put a post in about MY OPINION on social proof for a few days now, I just havent been able to get around to it because I havent had enough time.

Social Proof - First described in Influence, refers to the increasing perceived value of any particular person within a social setting, usually through explicit or implicit DHVs. Cited Below

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This post is positioned towards night game...not day game or tight cliques of social circles
If social proofing is to "Increase perceived value" of your self with DHV then what someone would be attempting to achieve is to make themselves of higher value to become noticed to get laid as a Social asset/value.

In truth Social Proof is proven it does work but...In a club what is the atmoshpere like?
-People everywhere
-Drunks running around
-People walking from one room to the other

Now my question is if I have a hard enough spotting one of my buddies through this then how am I being spotted?

1. With a target being altered in her state of mind she is not worried about what you or another guy look like but how she is percieved, plus her judgement is completely off especially with her surroundings
2.Social proofing has been proven, I just think that it may be uneeded in night game (Being seen with girls will raise your attraction level) What are the chances of her seeing you and assessing everything in her head that is needed for you to be seen as "Social Value"?
3. In truth if you walk into a BAR/CLUB WHEREVER,as long as you have the mentality that you are of social value and think "I CAN PICK UP ANY GIRL IN THIS PLACE" that ENERGY WILL rub off on a girl and you will have better results and you will get rid of AA because you will be able to Approach any women you want to with no negative energy.

This is just my visualization from going out Alone the past few weeks then last week going out with a group, Because I/we opened alot of sets with success but It had nothing to do with social proofing, It was my energy level and having good energy rubs off on people.

Re: Social Proof is proven...but not needed in club game

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:53 am
by Alger
Your energy does matter a lot. However, a person with high energy at a club who is dressed well can also give the impression that one is successful, good with women, and very social. They especially appear like a very social person if they show no hesitation when approaching a girl. It is social proof without the need for many people. Like most things nothing is set in stone and you don't need to have everything to get a girl in every setting. For example, Bill Gates could probably get a lot of hotties with a dull energy level because of his level of success even if he looks ugly, dresses ugly, and is dorky. Don't think it is solely because he is rich because being rich is not attractive, it is more being perceived as successful, going back to the caveman days. Plus, not all women are the same. The frame a girl is when going to a nightclub is always going to be different than her frame during the day time.

Re: Social Proof is proven...but not needed in club game

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:34 am
by Scoundrel
I agree social proof isn't needed. But, it does make things easier. For example, earlier this week I was over at one of my FBs places. She called a friend that I'd never met and invited her over for a 3 some. I was was having sex with this new girl in under an hour all because my FB had given me a good review. I now have a new FB. :wink:

Re: Social Proof is proven...but not needed in club game

PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:56 pm
by RockStar
hey lucky i agree it isn't needed but it sure does make life a lot easier particularly in club game. That does not mean however that you have to have an entourage to effectively socially proof a club. Start by talking to the queen bee's first. no else in the club doesn't know that you don't know them. They will respond to you because you are increasing their social proof--they are not however your targets. They will share social proof with you for the rest of the club.

let me explain why girls go to a club:
A girl will only be as pretty as she is in that club in two other situations.
1. her prom
2.her wedding

Because to women the club is a place to show off to other women. they want and need to be with the coolest kid on the block. Doe's that mean they will sleep with you? well maybe...maybe not. but it does mean that they will talk to you and introduce you to their friends. Who will sleep with you.

Just some thoughts on the situation.


Re: Social Proof is proven...but not needed in club game

PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:57 pm
by Lucky9
I have to disagree with Alger (Sorry man) on Energy doesnt matter because it does. Why?

1.When I sold cars I noticed that when I was happy I sold more cars...its because when your happy you have a better energy level, with that better energy its easier to sell cars.
2. I went to the mall the other day because my friend wanted to sarge my energy was down, I tried talking to a few people and it was no good. I ate, my enery went up and I got confident again, every set I opened after was a success.
3.I could go on with stories but your getting the point...

Its the same concept when talking to women and going to a club alone, if your happy, confident, and fun then the GOOD ENERGY from this will rub off on people around you and they will in turn feel it and get happier and want to be around you. Who wants to be around a negative person or someone that is never enthusiastic about anything? NOBODY...

Its true though Rockstar, Social Proof does make everything much easier if used correctly and your statement is completely right.

Re: Social Proof is proven...but not needed in club game

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:09 pm
by Alger
Lucky9 wrote:I have to disagree with Alger (Sorry man) on Energy doesnt matter because it does.

Hey Lucky. You misread what I wrote, I said energy DOES matter.

Re: Social Proof is proven...but not needed in club game

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:10 pm
by Mojo
Social proof is not "needed" but it helps tremendously. Anyway, social proof with naturally manifest itself even if you go to a venue alone. If you successfully open and hook a set, then *poof* instant social proof. Just make sure the set DHV you and not DLV you (i.e. hook a set of cool looking folks)