advice in Cosmo
Sun May 18, 2008 3:02 pm
by tpxgloveboy
Hey so I'm at Walmart the other day.....going through the magazines for a little bit, picked up a Cosmopolitan magazine, and there is a page that is titled "Conversation Starters"......they gave about 6 or 7 different ones, but the one I remember was something along the lines of how in The British Journal of Sex.....that the women that were surveyed said 7 - 13 minutes was the perfect length for sex....I thought that that was really interesting
great for openers or when the conversation is going dead....thought this might help some of us out
Fri May 30, 2008 12:33 am
by CarlosB91
My sister has a subscription to Cosmo and I read the current issue every time I'm on the toilet... Needless to say whenever I get stuck in a convo I always remember something from cosmo to keep it going!
I mean cosmo is written with keeping women entertained in mind
Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:07 pm
by Strange
NICE, (Cosmo-Good Idea)
I should cut mySelf down from all these Comics
I phu#$%ng buy.
Talk about an Addiction, you always gotta know what happen Next.
But for real-
If your at all into "BATMAN"
DAMN an your not reading the Flagship-"BATMAN" R.I.P.
They'r gonna kill Bruce Wayne or something.
G.MORISSON took over writing on issue #655-
were his 1st story was "BATMAN & SON" = AWESOME
Trust Me on this One
Trade paperback/Graphic Novel "BATMAN & SON"
has like #655-658, & #663, then #664-666.( 7comics mak up the GN.)
Eventually comes R.I.P. (#676-?)
an in DC when it comes to Batman shitz really gonna hit the fan!
"Jokers Asylum" justs tarted itz like 5 or 6 One-Shots
featuring GOTHAM Greatest criminals all narrated by the JOKER!
an the PENGUIN One is AWESOME!
I know this is a PUA Forum.
their is other reading material out there.
Just don't tell the HB's!