I think a perspective shift might dramatically shift my confidence issues. I was just sitting here in my office, when I should be working of course, thinking about some confidence issues.
Then it dawned on me, I've interpreted the "false time constraint" to be a tool that lets me talk to women and soothes their anxiety by thinking eventually, I'll leave (DHV aside). Then I realized its also a tool for me to use so if the HB is a waste, I can use it as an excuse to bail. Or if I panic and feel it going to shit, I can just jump out.
When I read shit like the game and mystery method, it makes me feel like a loser douche-bag who's duping these women into thinking I'm something I'm not.
If this has already been discussed ad nauseam, just delete the thread, sorry.
I desperately need to shift my perspective from "grasping at straws" to something more constructive where I can literally celebrate the virtuous celebration of selecting women, but still don't know how because I'm so hung up on myself.