I had to post this.
Me: hey.
Her: hey what r u doing?
Me: about to go running.
Her: at the gym or round neiggborhood? some girl in a suzuki forenza was in my driveway and scratched my car
Me: neighborhood
Her: oh b careful ud get run over here. people dont know how to drive. i go 2 the park.
Her: did you miss me? lol
Me: Not so much. lol
Her: uh ur so mean
Me: I am mean. Im horrible.
Her: I know, why do I like u? lol
Me: Cause I have a big penis
Her: god ur vein! lol why u like me?
Me: Haha cause you have a big penis.
Her: What? ur being goofy. u been drinking?
Me: haha
Her: So what did u do last night? besides study.
Me: I forgot her name :/
Her: See ur always pickin on me!
Me: Lol you like it.
Her: I know
This is the continuation of the above convo.
Her: You runnin now? gettin all sweaty? lol
Me:Yeah gettin all sweaty for you.
Her:lol ur not supposed 2 b sweaty to begin with.
Me: why not?
Her: Thats no fun I like u clea! lol then we can get dirty 2 gether! U been horny?
Me: Always
Her: Ur bad! me 2.