Short Set

Mystery Method, Speed Seduction, Cocky & Funny, etc. (Post only field tested material)

Short Set

Postby Seventeen » Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:19 pm

Recently I discovered a great post by Tyler Durden. Since he is a young dude, early twenties, he's been developing some pretty killer stuff that he says works in the most places like bars or clubs frequented by regulars who would feel uncomfortable with standard game.

Short set method is a way to open sets and get women interested in a short amount of time, luring women to you later in the night so you can build attraction and comfort, standard game. According to TD, this method is most effective if you enter a club or bar environment in an energetic, playful state. The idea is to do many small interactions with just about every set you can find (ideally 30 or more), causing the women to be interested, and later COME TO YOU to find out what you're all about.

The reason TD calls this short set method is because it only takes very short, playful interactions to build social proof and interest. Copied from his post, TD says to do things such as...

"-high fives (leave)

-high tens (leave)

-'on the flipside' high-5 (leave)

-thumb wrestling (cheat to win and yell that you beat her, leave)

-whoa whoa whoa.. watch out!! (leave)

-whoa whoa whoa.. watch out girl this shit ain't for free! At least one foot of space at all times.. (then hug, leave)

-SPIN MANEUVRE / twirl (leave)

-block a high-traffic area unintentionally, say 'no passing without the password.. what's the password?' (leave)

-elbow/hip bumping (leave)

-mini cold reads "whoa check out this girl.. she is fiesty" (leave)

-do girls think that scoobie doo is a sexy dog? what about clifford, the big red dog? do you think that garfield is a sexy cat? what about odie? is curious george a sexy monkey? (leave)

-washroom security! (leave)

-pull toques over eyes, pull accessories, snap bra straps (leave)

-ask for I.D. (leave)

-punching match/mercy fight (leave)

-hot hands / slaps (leave)

-'you guys are so cute! powerpuff girls! I'm going to adopt you! (leave)

-finish any of these with "you're my new girlfriend" and walk away OR, just make an offhanded comment:

-dude, my buddy was an INCH away from getting recruited to Kuwait for army-duty.. HOLY SHIT.. (leave)

-dude, did you see x-amazing thing??? holy fuck! (leave)

You can also STACK a few of these, and then leave. Most often I stack a few and then leave.

Then, when the chicks come re-initiate you, run standard game, or just extract."

I posted this because I love the ideas TD gives, but I figured I would open up the floor for ya'll to discuss.
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Postby Rhody » Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:39 pm

This is some great material.

BTW, I edited it to remove the bold face. Serioulsy, it doesn't need it. Great post.
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Postby Kraven » Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:23 pm

Fairly complete list of how to get attraction at places too noisy or hectic for verbal openers as well (dance clubs & louder bars)

Butt/hip bumping is a new favorite of mine... its a playful way to open HBs with nice asses
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