I have been experimenting with a whole bunch of stuff recently. Here's something I would love everyone to try.
I was sitting on the toilet staring at my phone wondering what I could do to improve my game... (Sorry for the graphic reference its the place where I get my best ideas)
Then I saw all the phone numbers of girls I have sarged over the last 6 months scrolling past on my phone and I remembered something one of my FB's mentioned after I broke up with her, (she was falling in love)
She deletes the phone numbers of people she doesn't want to know... now upon further inspection it turns out that many, many women do this.
So have you number closed a girl in the last 6 months only to have her stop responding to your texts. Odds are my friend that she has deleted your number too!
This means advantage team PUA!!!!! We know who they are... they can't remember us, and after 6 months your game has probably improved a great deal, It's time to cash in on those old numbers!
I have been experimenting with different texts, and this is the set I feel has the best results so far.
This is a real text exchange between me and a girl that ignored my texts after number closing her in a club.
AFC AdamLondon: Watcha Cutie, how's life treating you? Still Partying hard? or you getting too old for it now?
HB: Who is this?
AFC AdamLondon: Wow Forgotten already

HB: Ah Hi hun, yeah always, Im coming into town tonight x
AFC AdamLondon: Cool I'm heading to chinas tonight with a bunch of the girls... where are you heading?
HB: China too! See you there.
HB: Use this number in future huni... (sends me a new number)
I've used a similar set on a number of girls now and its amazing how many actually start responding and really warming up.
So what to do with all those old Phone numbers... don't throw them away.
Recycle them! its better for the environment.
AFC AdamLondon