"You’re my 3rd favorite waitress here!" routine

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"You’re my 3rd favorite waitress here!" routine

Postby Mojo » Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:39 am

Here is a fun routine to play with hired-guns at a venue that you frequent which will bring you more attention, better service, and backrubs. I discovered this while with a few friends and the results were amazing. I did this again a different night with the same results. This needs to be done at one of your stomping grounds where you’ve establish some rapport with the waitresses. Here is how it goes…

As your HB waitress approaches to take your order enthusiastically say to your friends…

PUA: “…and this is my 3rd (or 4th, or whatever, but never 1st) favorite waitress here!”

At this point she will probably respond with either or both of the following:

HBhired-gun#3: “only 3rd?!” at which point you can say,
PUA: “You’re in the top ten, not too shabby” in a congratulatory manner

And then she will want to know whose 1st…

HBhired-gun#3: “Hey, whose 1st!?”

Tell her you can’t say whose 1st because you don’t want to cause a cat fight. There doesn’t have to be first because you want to keep them guessing and trying to earn that coveted number 1 spot. I was struck by how competitive the women became! Oh, you can play off this in soooo many ways.

PUA: “My back hurts… I could sure use a massage”

waitress gives you back rub…

PUA: “Thank you, that was nice! You just earned the #2 spot”

HBhired-gun#2: “Whose 1st!?”

PUA: “Darling, you should be proud, you've moved up a spot... Anyway, I don’t want to stir the pot by naming whose #1” which of course you are stirring the pot by not saying :twisted:

And as another waitress strolls by…

PUA: “and that’s my 4th favorite waitress here”

HBhired-gun#4: “Whose 1st?”….

It’s nice to get backrubs from the waitresses, though the beauty of this routine is receiving genuine flirtatious kino from the staff. When I say genuine I mean not the fake shit waitresses sometimes do to help with tips. The hugs, playful punches, the backrubs, and other IOIs also helps with building social proof and preselection.

Even though they will initiate the kino toward you it’s also a chance to increase you kino toward them such as high fives when she moves up a spot in the rankings.

Have fun! :mrgreen:
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Re: "You’re my 3rd favorite waitress here!" routine

Postby hustler » Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:43 pm

Thanks for sharing, Mojo. I used it this evening on our HB9 waitress. It all went down just like you said it would. I added in some teasing and banter along the way. To number close I used the notepad on my phone and placed it close to her when she came by to create a pseudo-conspiracy between us. I also figured she would be more likely to give me her number silently since she was in front of my group (denying me in front of others could make her feel empowered) and plus she's at work.

I'll be using your routine again soon.
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Re: "You’re my 3rd favorite waitress here!" routine

Postby Mojo » Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:44 pm

hustler wrote:To number close I used the notepad on my phone and placed it close to her when she came by to create a pseudo-conspiracy between us. I also figured she would be more likely to give me her number silently since she was in front of my group (denying me in front of others could make her feel empowered) and plus she's at work.

The pseudo-conspiracy tact. Nice.
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