Best Inner game stuff!

I know a lot of guys, including me, have struggled with approach anxiety and coming to grips with our desires as men.
I have gone through some of the programs on inner game and I just want to say what helped me most.
check out some of these books and programs. They helped me a lot and hope they will help you.
1. Absent father, lost son (book)- Gives you solid understanding of the missing father, physically, emotionally and the impact of not having a mature masculine role model.
2. Deep innerGame - Excellent program by David De Angelo. Gives you tools on how to find what is wrong and fix your innergame problems. Very powerful, simple and effective.
3. On being a man, who naturally attracts women - by David De Angelo. tells us what it is to be a man. and what has happened to create the kind of men we are. and what we can do to change it. gives you processes and tools to become a man!
The main theme is women just are, but men have to be made! and there were certain initiations that men must have gone through, that they haven't and how it is impacting us psychologically and in all areas of our lives.
4. Core Transformation - Connirae Andreas
Gives you a process that you can use to transform an unwanted behavior or state and get you to a core empowering state!
5. Mind lines - Michael hall
Reframing at its best. how you can reframe and transform your beliefs, situations, limiting beliefs, and incorporate empowering beliefs. Excellent book on working and changing your beliefs!
6. Transforming your self - Steve Andreas
Changing your self image is the key to changing your self esteem. He gives you steps to take to change your self image, thus changing your whole self esteem. I know this has been my weak point and i am still working on these processes. but they are powerful!
7. Dragon Slaying - Michael hall
State management is key to success in anything in life. especially when you approach a woman. Dragon slaying is all about how to change your bad, useless 'dragon' states and bring powerful new useful states!
8. NLP: the new technology of achievement - Nlp comprehensive. powerful NLP techniques. A lot of them. just simple and straightforward and easy!
Sincerely hope you use some of this and get better at the game!
I know a lot of guys, including me, have struggled with approach anxiety and coming to grips with our desires as men.
I have gone through some of the programs on inner game and I just want to say what helped me most.
check out some of these books and programs. They helped me a lot and hope they will help you.
1. Absent father, lost son (book)- Gives you solid understanding of the missing father, physically, emotionally and the impact of not having a mature masculine role model.
2. Deep innerGame - Excellent program by David De Angelo. Gives you tools on how to find what is wrong and fix your innergame problems. Very powerful, simple and effective.
3. On being a man, who naturally attracts women - by David De Angelo. tells us what it is to be a man. and what has happened to create the kind of men we are. and what we can do to change it. gives you processes and tools to become a man!
The main theme is women just are, but men have to be made! and there were certain initiations that men must have gone through, that they haven't and how it is impacting us psychologically and in all areas of our lives.
4. Core Transformation - Connirae Andreas
Gives you a process that you can use to transform an unwanted behavior or state and get you to a core empowering state!
5. Mind lines - Michael hall
Reframing at its best. how you can reframe and transform your beliefs, situations, limiting beliefs, and incorporate empowering beliefs. Excellent book on working and changing your beliefs!
6. Transforming your self - Steve Andreas
Changing your self image is the key to changing your self esteem. He gives you steps to take to change your self image, thus changing your whole self esteem. I know this has been my weak point and i am still working on these processes. but they are powerful!
7. Dragon Slaying - Michael hall
State management is key to success in anything in life. especially when you approach a woman. Dragon slaying is all about how to change your bad, useless 'dragon' states and bring powerful new useful states!
8. NLP: the new technology of achievement - Nlp comprehensive. powerful NLP techniques. A lot of them. just simple and straightforward and easy!
Sincerely hope you use some of this and get better at the game!