being indifferent

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being indifferent

Postby Guest » Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:33 pm

We all know indifference is a wonderful thing to have in pick up. For instance if one is number closing a chick and she refuses to give you her number than it much better to not care than it is to fuss about it.

If there is anything i am not, it is indifferent. I care too much about things. Are there any tactics or techniques that i can do to make me more indifferent?

Postby Guest » Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:05 am

I don't really think there are tactics and techniques, its more how you really feel about women.

One thing that helps is "over-exposure". Use your own life as an example! Is there some activity, hobby, chore, etc. that you did so much of(over exposed) that it reached a point where you got burnt out and became indifferent?

It happens to a lot of people who go to the gym on a regular basis. Another example is a friend of mine goes fishing so much that by the end of summer he is barely interested in it. He starts off every year excited and ready to go. After a few months of going 2-3 times per week he naturally becomes indifferent. Fishing is no longer the center of his universe! He doesn't care if he catches that fish or not by the end of the season. You chase women enough, become sucessful at it, and you'll feel the same way at some point.

The more indifferent you become, the more success you will have! It really gets a womans attention. You'll come across different than the rest of the needy toolbags that put her on a pedestal trying to get into her pants. She'll think there is something wrong with herself when you don't ask for her number and she'll try harder to win your affection. Well just let that insecure hooker think there is something wrong with herself. Most likely there is! Also a lot of times when you are indifferent to a woman, she'll think its because you have some other girl in your life. This can be a feather in your cap as well.

Last week I had a stripper on my lap who I wouldn't mind hooking up with. We hit it off well, and I could sense some mutual attraction between us. As the night goes on, I have this girl telling me what turns her on, and lots of other pesonal stuff. I basically created the atmosphere where she felt she could be very open expressing her thoughts/feelings to me. Next she starts coming onto me. She's dropping subtle hints right and left like all women do when they are trying to let you know they are interested in more.

So I kept playing the "indifferent" card with her and the more I did, the more suggestive she got. It got to the point that I'm almost laughing inside. ;-)

It becomes time for this girl to seal the deal with me so she mentions that she'd like to ride on my motorcycle sometime. Yeah most guys would have used that as a chance to get her number and I very well could have. But I was indifferent to her and said, "well maybe if I see you here again". She was taken back by what I had to say and asked "whats that supposed to mean". I explained it to her in a way that added value to my self and walked out.

First thing my pua strip club buddy asks me is if I got her number. I'm like hell no, If she's here next time I'll get it then.

Can you elaborate on what it is that makes you feel the need to care so much? Is it rooted in rejection perhaps??

Postby Guest » Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:09 am

Can you elaborate on what it is that makes you feel the need to care so much? Is it rooted in rejection perhaps??[/QUOTE]

Yes. Rejection plays a huge role in it. I know the worst thing a girl can do is reject me, but it still hurts me nonetheless. For instance, the last girl I tried to number close was this fat chick at Town East Mall about 3 weeks ago. We talked, and talked, and talked. I was mostly just being friendly and having a good time because she was fat and I wasn't interested. Then my best friend dares me to get her number and is like "blah blah I bet you won't do it" so I go in and start talking to her again. I tell her that me and my friends frequent a hookah bar every tuesday and tell her she should come sometime, and right before I was going to ask for the number she says "oh I would, but I am way too busy with school and work". She works full time at Town East Mall and has school every night. Could be a legitimate excuse and she was fat, but it still hurt to be rejected by her.

Postby Guest » Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:43 am

You can use tactics and tchniques to pretend to be indifferent. Or you can lead a full life and really be indifferent as to whether some skank will give you her number or not.

Postby Guest » Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:30 pm

Howie is spot on. Being indifferent and having an abundance mentality go hand in hand. I love Chipotle, but if I ate it everyday I can assure you that I would grow to be indifferent towards it's mystical hold it has on me.

When I first started in the Community I immediately recognized that I had to desensitize myself to women and their effects on me. So, I did something a little different than some others on here. I started banging moderately attractive women. Just attractive enough for me to still want to fuck them, but not so attractive that I actually gave a shit about her and her opinions. Forget about finding 9s and 10s, I was looking for solid 6s and 7s. I did this to gain experience and be more comfortable with women, to get better at Game, to find chicks that I could manipulate into doing nasty, dirty shit in the sack, and because being rejected by a 6 is [B][I]actually funny to me[/I][/B], just like being rejected by a fat chick. If you really think about it, it's fucking hilarious. I remember I was once rejected by a fatty and I actually laughed aloud when she rejected was fucking hilarious the look on her face when I burst out in laughter!!! That stupid hooker looked like she was the one being rejected.

After I plowed a couple dozen mediocre looking chicks I found that I no longer gave two shits if women did or didn't like me. This, naturally, led me to become more picky with women and resulted in me approaching and succeeding with more attractive chicks because I learned that women aren't really THAT big of a deal.

UL, you need to tear down this notion that you have that women are some how special or are a different 'class' of people. Women are just women. They have tits and a pussy. That's about it. For the most part, they only really have sex to offer you...and, even then, it's generally not good sex because most women have zero idea how to fuck. Granted, there are a few bad ass women in the world, and you'll run across some in your life. But, you need to learn that 95% of the women in this world truly are a waste of your time and effort, and thus are not worth the worry or fear of rejection.

Another thing you need to understand is what it really means to be rejected by these foolish little girls. The only rejection that you should ever take personally is that from when a girl, that knows you intimately, no longer wants to be with you or denies your advances. That's true rejection. When you approach a girl and she rejects you, what is it that she's really rejecting? She has no idea who the fuck you are or what you're all about. So, there's no way she could actually be rejecting YOU as a person. There are a million reasons why a girl will say no if you ask them out and none of those reasons are anything you should ever take personally.

Postby Guest » Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:34 pm

[QUOTE=Urban Legend;32979]Yes. Rejection plays a huge role in it. I know the worst thing a girl can do is reject me, but it still hurts me nonetheless. For instance, the last girl I tried to number close was this fat chick at Town East Mall about 3 weeks ago. We talked, and talked, and talked. I was mostly just being friendly and having a good time because she was fat and I wasn't interested. Then my best friend dares me to get her number and is like "blah blah I bet you won't do it" so I go in and start talking to her again. I tell her that me and my friends frequent a hookah bar every tuesday and tell her she should come sometime, and right before I was going to ask for the number she says "oh I would, but I am way too busy with school and work". She works full time at Town East Mall and has school every night. Could be a legitimate excuse and she was fat, but it still hurt to be rejected by her.[/QUOTE]

Well first off, congrats for opening that fattie a second time! lol. Next time put your penis in a hotdog bun and dangle that in front of her. I bet she bites on that! ;-)

I don't know what you look like, but I'll guess you are a lot more attractive than she is physically. So perhaps she saw you as way out of her league? Maybe she has some other guy she sees, or maybe she's just out of a bad relationship. Who knows, just because you got shot down by a fat girl doesn't mean you suck, are ugly, or got no game. Fuck it, its her loss. Just like BR said, that girl doesn't even know you so how could she reject you on a personal level! She can't! thats why you shouldn't take it personal.

The best way to handle it is laugh it off and say NEXT out loud then move on to the next girl.

PUA is kind of like the game of sales, you won't close every deal. Getting turned down is part of this game. But the more approaches you make the sooner you will realize what works and what doesn't work. You'll be able to recognize the girls who will be a waste of time. You'll be able to figure the flakes before they flake on you. You will get rejected less and less.

I read somewhere that even the expert pua's get rejected the majority of the time. My wing and I are no where close to being experts, but have decent game and are fairly attractive guys. We get rejected 70pct of the time and we've been doing this for a while. Should I be discouraged by that??? Do I take it personal because I failed to get what I wanted 70percent of the time??? FUCK NO!! ;-)

But guess what? We've had some great times and some crazy memories. In between all the hi's and lows of chasing stupid girls, we've managed to become better men. Thats really what this is all about. You become a better man and you become better with the women.

Take a look at how you define success if you really want to take it personal. Ask yourself and your wing what went right and wrong during your approach and challenge yourself to do better next time. Do it like that long enough and eventually you'll score some quality ass!

Postby Guest » Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:17 pm

:DThank you all for your help :) I found a chick I am going to bang! Well, not really found... it is the same girl I had my first k close with and I have known her for like 2 yrs. She has wanted me for a while and I have been indifferent towards her and it works like a charm.

The reason I was indifferent with this one is cause I was originally not attracted to her, but since we have been hanging out more, and specifically since I went swimming with her(nice body :D) and since I have kissed her and started grabbing her tits ocassionally I think she is pretty damn attractive :p

So I want to post a FR of what happened tonight with her so here it is:

[B]It is 3pm and my best friend is over and he says "Hey dude. I am setting up a double date with us. There is this chick that wants me and she wants to chill tonight and I asked her if she had a friend that would be good for you and she said yes. So yeah I am setting up a double date. We'll go see a movie."[/B]

[B]So after he says this I get kind of pissed because he always tries to play match maker and try and hook me up with these girls that are not interested in me(THEY AREN'T INTERESTED BECAUSE IT SEEMS AS IF I NEED A FUCKING MATCH MAKER DUMB SHIT!) He has done this before and it always ends up where he makes out with his chick and I don't get any gain from it.[/B]

[B]So here are the logistics: these girls live in royce city and neither of them drive, I cannot drive out to royce city to pick them up as my car sucks and would overheat and explode if I tried. So my friend calls up his friend Matt and they arrange to where Matt picks up my friend and drives to pick them up in royce city and I meet them at the movie theater. [/B]

[B][I]Meanwhile, I am talking to the girl I am going to fuck soon, we will call her HbPizzaSlut because she works at Pizza Hut with me. She asks if I can pick her up from work and take her home, as she does not drive. I say yes.[/I][/B]
[B]So my friend leaves to pick up the double daters with Matt, and I go to pick up HbPizzaSlut. I get to Pizza Hut and we get in my car and I come up with the brilliant idea of inviting her to the movie. I know if she comes it will eliminate all awkwardness during the double date because I will essentially ignore my "date" and pay attention to HbPizzaSlut and get some sort of action! [/B]
[B][I]Quick note: when my friend was setting up the DD he told his girl that I seemed a little uncomfortable about the whole dating a girl I have never seen or talked to before and she says "Awww is he going to puss out??" After she said this I imediately decided that I was either A. going to puss out, or B. cock block the shit out of my friend and UGMyFriendsDate lol.[/I][/B]
[B]So HbPizzaSlut says a movie sounds great, but her parents say she needs to be home by 9pm. So we drive to the movie theater and are a little late for the movie, District 9(it started at 7:35 and we got there at 7:45) so we just walk in and sit. We are sitting and my friend texts me "Hey we're on our way to the theater. Has it started?" I text him "Unfortunately." Then he texts "Damn. Well do you want to hang after the movie?" I text "Idk. HbPizzaSlut has to be home at 9." So he texts "Ok. Ttyl man."[/B]

[B]So I get to watch this movie alone with HbPizzaSlut, pretty chill :cool:[/B]

[B]So we are watching the movie and she lifts up the arm rest and lays on my lap. I grab her hand and we hold this position until 9:15 when she tells me we have to leave(the movie wasn't even over and it was bad ass!) So I say ok and we leave. As we are walking out of the movie theater I am holding her hand and shit all the way to my car. Once we reach my car(after a ton of walking because I parked in the boonies, huge lot) I do a turn towards her and pull her close to me. Then I look into her eyes and BAM! Kiss. Kiss. And kiss.[/B]

[B][I]Important note: This is the most dominant I have EVER been with a girl! I loved it!!! And she did too![/I][/B]
[B]Then we get in my car and I drive her home(she lives pretty much across the street from my neighborhood, about 5 football fields away from me :)). So when we get to her place I kiss her again and arrange to meet up with her again on Saturday. My parents go out of town every weekend so f closing her on Saturday should be no problemo. [/B]

[B][I]Ending note: I am a little nervous about it being my first time and all. So I might choose to just make out with her and do some foreplay with her on Saturday. Or I might fuck her. Depends on what mood I am in. All I know is HbPizzaSlut has ALWAYS gotten what she wants when it comes to guys and I have denied her sex before(no homo) and it made her go crazy! I like being in control of the sexual activity. My parents go out of town every weekend so f closing her should never be a problem.[/I][/B]
[B]In conclusion, I had a very fun and exciting night. Much better than staying home and beating off :D[/B]

Postby Guest » Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:19 pm

Interesting thread...

It is odd because I did exactly what BR did when I first joined the community. Banged a ton of HB6's-HB8's. Basically not sleeping alone for about the first 6 months of entering the community. I think I had different reasons for it but the concept was the same. And yes you do realize that it is easy to get girls(especially if they aren't super hot). You realize it is very easy to sleep with a lot of girls(especially if they aren't super hot). You realize that girls like a guy who is dominant and take control(even the hot ones). And lastly you realize that even if you get rejected by one or a dozen you will still meet one who says yes. You must learn to handle rejection as if you want to meet girls they go hand in hand.

Rejection sucks and to not feel anything after would mean you are either not human or a sociopath. Be glad that you have feelings after being rejected.

You should also tell yourself that you would rather be pissed about being rejected then pissed about not even trying. Once you come to this conclusion rejection is much easier to handle.

UL: With this Pizza girl I highly recommend you taking the plunge for many reasons. First off this girl is your friend and even if you suck it up in bed she will still like you. Second she lives close and umm yeah a steady FB is very nice and fun to have.

First thing you should do is watch some porn and take some notes. You don't have to be god in bed. I for one will say I probably am some what of a lousy lay. One thing I have going for me is I am usually pretty dominant and just do whatever I want and order the girl around. They seem to like this or at least just play along. I can tell you this though. I have at least a half dozen girls that to this day still booty call me. I am the first call they make after they end some relationship. It blows my mind.

Second thing you should do the day of the lay. Jerk off. I am going to guess that you might only last 37 seconds your first time. Jerking off a few hours before should help you last longer.

Anyways man just pull the trigger. You need to get this past you so you realize it isn't too big of a deal. Once you realize this it will make things so much easier for you. In fact you will be indifferent towards sex.

Postby Guest » Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:34 am

Congrats UL, I think you are getting the hang of this. Make sure you wear a condom, it will help you last longer too.

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