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Cube order

Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:27 pm
by JohnnyBravo
What is the best way to run the cube? Should I go through all the descriptions of the cube, flowers, ladder, etc...first and then do the interpretive stuff or do the interpretive stuff after each item is added?

Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:58 am
by Scoundrel
Ask all the questions, get all the info and then do the interpretation.

Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:39 am
by Rhody
I have heard the order as cube, ladder, flowers, horse, storm. Then interpretation. That is important. If she tells you about the flowers and you tell her what it means, then that might change what she says about the horse. But if she shows the flowers close to the cube and the horse is smelling the flowers, that means something in combination that you can only interpret after she describes the whole picture.
the cube

Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:20 pm
by eros
[quote="Rhody"]I have heard the order as cube, ladder, flowers, horse, storm. Then interpretation. That is important. If she tells you about the flowers and you tell her what it means, then that might change what she says about the horse. But if she shows the flowers close to the cube and the horse is smelling the flowers, that means something in combination that you can only interpret after she describes the whole picture.[/quote]
the book say : cube , ladder , horse , storm and flowers , and all the details are in the desert....

Wed Jul 04, 2007 9:41 pm
by Finesse
The cube routine gives you a few cold read ideas, but ultimately it's all interpretation. You have to calibrate it as you are doing it. Have her Explain everything, then tell her about herself.... when I interpret everything, I do it out of order, EXCEPT the last part which is the horse. I do that last, unless I sense buying tempature is up then I proceed directly to that part and save some of the cold reads for later.