No More Fabricated Canned Routines.

Traveling to San Fran, I wanted to see what the San Fran community was up to, so I joined the local PUA yahoo ebss group. A guy recently posted a thread called: STOP THE RING ROUTINE (below). Thought my reply might be of use for some of you.
My reply is as follows:
I’ve had strippers, NFL cheerleaders, MLTR’s with hot women, threesomes, all with out telling a lie or using a made up routine - Ok, enough qualifying
I do not need to lie to get laid. I don't.
Made up stories and routines are just training wheels for the new guys. To have solid game you must have original, true stories that relate to your own personal experiences. And even though a bullshit routine may fool a girls a first, they will not fool their subconscious. Their subconscious KNOWS when you are bullshitting. There is no fooling it. And the subconscious will eventually give her that feeling whether you are a worthy mate or not. So you MUST be real, genuine, and genuinely confident. CONFIDENCE is key. No faking it. No fake it till you make it. Sorry guys, outer game is nothing without inner game.
The other day, I was gaming an ex-MLTR who I wanted to see again. When she asked me if I was dating other girls, I told her without hesitation, I was. I am honest and upfront like that. No need to lie. Stories are the best routines when they are true. We had an improv instructor talk to some of the guys in the community here, and one of the exercises was while listening to someone tell a story, something in that story will naturally remind you of a a story that happened with you, then you continue the convo going with your story. Excellent exercise most of us already do. When you can tell an exciting story that will DHV for yourself, then do it! The authenticity of the story will ring true to the HB, and her subconscious will give her that “I want to fuck this man” vibe. I like that vibe
Shit, talking about that “I want to fuck this man” vibe. This is one helluva technique for the new guys. When gaming a girl, simply think how nice it would be to have this beautiful creature in your bed, giving her the best fuck she ever had. Just thinking that will send the right sexual vibe to her. Do it and check out the difference. Crap, a bit off tangent.
Alrighty, back to telling the truth thingy. Create real routines that are based on truth and not bullshit. That will take your game to the next level.
Hope this helps,
then I recieved a few questions from a Berkley student new to the game:
Hey bro, thanks for compliment. I've been in the community since 2005. The thing that you must have is confidence. A woman can spot a confident man from across the room just by how he holds himself. If Henry Ford was a PUA, his saying would be, “Whether you think you can or can’t get the girl, you are correct”. Our perception of reality creates the reality.
So, how do you get confidence? Have a life. Be involved in school; join organizations and get elected to leadership positions. Don’t take things serious. Enjoy life ALL the time. Sarge everyone. Enjoy interacting with people. You must change the psychology of your mind! One sure way that has been scientifically proven to change your psychology is creating, building, and owning a business with employees under you. This was one of the best things I have ever did! I have become more alpha cause I had no choice. My mind knew I was in an alpha position so it HAD to adapt.
As for meeting, it would be a bit trickier. One of the girls I am dating travels from Dallas to San Fran on business every other week, so if I decide to visit her again, we can meet.
Okay look, the ring routine is great...but we all need stop using
these canned routines in general. Its gona blow out the entire
community and you actually risk the embarrassment of being recognized
as a PUA. I have already talked to two girls who had heard the ring
routine before. Any chump can spit out a routine and it might work,
but the risk is greater than the reward. It will not be fun when you
use a routine on someone and they have heard it already before and
then start to wonder why guys are doing this. Keep in mind, all the
people who have goten into relationships, had sex, kissed girls, had
kids, had threesomes, gotten numbers etc with out even using a
routine. Who else recognizes the danger of using them? I have seen
what can happen first hand. Just stop the canned routines! Who's with
me on this?
My reply is as follows:
I’ve had strippers, NFL cheerleaders, MLTR’s with hot women, threesomes, all with out telling a lie or using a made up routine - Ok, enough qualifying

Made up stories and routines are just training wheels for the new guys. To have solid game you must have original, true stories that relate to your own personal experiences. And even though a bullshit routine may fool a girls a first, they will not fool their subconscious. Their subconscious KNOWS when you are bullshitting. There is no fooling it. And the subconscious will eventually give her that feeling whether you are a worthy mate or not. So you MUST be real, genuine, and genuinely confident. CONFIDENCE is key. No faking it. No fake it till you make it. Sorry guys, outer game is nothing without inner game.
The other day, I was gaming an ex-MLTR who I wanted to see again. When she asked me if I was dating other girls, I told her without hesitation, I was. I am honest and upfront like that. No need to lie. Stories are the best routines when they are true. We had an improv instructor talk to some of the guys in the community here, and one of the exercises was while listening to someone tell a story, something in that story will naturally remind you of a a story that happened with you, then you continue the convo going with your story. Excellent exercise most of us already do. When you can tell an exciting story that will DHV for yourself, then do it! The authenticity of the story will ring true to the HB, and her subconscious will give her that “I want to fuck this man” vibe. I like that vibe

Shit, talking about that “I want to fuck this man” vibe. This is one helluva technique for the new guys. When gaming a girl, simply think how nice it would be to have this beautiful creature in your bed, giving her the best fuck she ever had. Just thinking that will send the right sexual vibe to her. Do it and check out the difference. Crap, a bit off tangent.
Alrighty, back to telling the truth thingy. Create real routines that are based on truth and not bullshit. That will take your game to the next level.
Hope this helps,
then I recieved a few questions from a Berkley student new to the game:
Wow...ur pretty successful with this stuff.
If you don't mind, I have a few questions for you:
How long have you done it for?
What could you reccomend for a guy that just started on this?
What really helped you?
Also would like ot meet and learn something from you (I'll try to give back also from whatever I've learned)
whenever you have a chance.
Thanks man,
Hey bro, thanks for compliment. I've been in the community since 2005. The thing that you must have is confidence. A woman can spot a confident man from across the room just by how he holds himself. If Henry Ford was a PUA, his saying would be, “Whether you think you can or can’t get the girl, you are correct”. Our perception of reality creates the reality.
So, how do you get confidence? Have a life. Be involved in school; join organizations and get elected to leadership positions. Don’t take things serious. Enjoy life ALL the time. Sarge everyone. Enjoy interacting with people. You must change the psychology of your mind! One sure way that has been scientifically proven to change your psychology is creating, building, and owning a business with employees under you. This was one of the best things I have ever did! I have become more alpha cause I had no choice. My mind knew I was in an alpha position so it HAD to adapt.
As for meeting, it would be a bit trickier. One of the girls I am dating travels from Dallas to San Fran on business every other week, so if I decide to visit her again, we can meet.