The Secret System

Mystery Method, Speed Seduction, Cocky & Funny, etc. (Post only field tested material)

The Secret System

Postby Guest » Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:01 am

its really not a secret.

Alot of guys who enter the community are confused, perplexed and sometimes inhibited by women.

Reading posts like Shock And Awe by Ciarin can be overwhelming and leave you wondering "Gosh, that seems hard."

And sometimes the gurus talk about the weirdest things like subpersonalities, sexual framing, force framing and pattern language or "advanced comfort".

Let me say that I don't believe in any of that and I think its just bullshit baffles brains set up by a bunch of internet marketing guys.

Nature has its own seduction systems.

Nature is much smarter than us. Evolution has designed systems that govern the mating dance of other species.

So why not humans?

What if there was such a system in place already? There is.

I began to see it when I started studying and working with Gunwitch Method. Its actually well known in society and yet very few guys in the community talk about it.

Women and girls go out in groups to protect themselves from the effects of this powerful system.

You hear them complain to their girlfriends "Why didn't you save me from that guy?" Or "Next time we go out, I need you to stop me."

Many of you successful guys probably know this. Girls talk about things "just happening" or "falling".

The mechanism is unknown for the most part. But the effects can be seen.

One friend of mine told me that it was related to brain chemistry and that when a woman feels this, very strong neurochemincals flush over the brain causing an almost "trance like" feeling of tremedous pleasure.

They cannot resist. And that's why they need help.

How do we use this to our advantage?

I'm not an advocate of being so over-the-top and uncalibrated that you just get yourself throw out of the bar or beat up by a boyfriend or a jealous husband. So make sure you've done your group theory and befriended people if you can.

How is it done?

A couple of quick definitions...

Sexual State. Sexual state is a feeling of arousal and dominance. Its the feeling you get by being turned on.

Sexual Rapport. Sexual Rapport is like regular rapport but the dominant/submissive roles of men and women are present.

Two lovers come together, their bodies become one. Sycronized and sexual. Women become submissive to men and men become naturally dominant, alpha.
The cool thing is that if you have rapport and you begin to be sexual, then you will soon have sexual rapport.

How is it accomlished?

Gunwitch talks about his acronym S.E.C.T.
But basically that boils down to:
1. Touch or Kino.
2. Sound of your voice is sexual, tone may be deeper.
3. Eye Contact. Long gazes. Very important.
4. Closeness and physical proximity.
You might also add...
5. Kissing.

I believe that men are the initiators of sex. Just like in nature, the male is persistent and agressive at times.
But something happens, the female also becomes sexually charged and more agressive.

This is most likely sexual rapport at work.

Its almost automatic when done right. First, establish rapport. Get into sexual state. Begin touching, eye gazes, etc. End with a kiss.

I've been out and I've actually experienced being with a girl and having her be a little withdrawn and then by coaxing her into action to where we are kissing and holding eachother.

Alot of this may depend on the girl. Some girls are naturally more resistant. Others may iniate as much as men. Depends on the situation and the woman.

The other thing I wanted to say was that I once read a post by a certain commercial PUA who talked about sexual anxiety. He made it sound really bad and that guys with it needed him and his instruction to move past it.

I can now safely say that THIS POST completely destroys his argument and if guys have sexual anxiety, this is the cure. And its free. :)

I also strongly recommend reading Gunwitch Method - his ebook and his free stuff on Bristol Lair and


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