How to handle flakes.

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How to handle flakes.

Postby Scoundrel » Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:14 am

I’ve had some problems with chicks that flake at the last second. I make a date, everything seems cool, but when I call to get directions she tells me “something came up” and she can’t make it. I think I’ve come up with a way to re-frame this kind of BS, turn it into a DHV and a NEG hit.

A few hours before I’m meeting her, I’ll call and ask her if we’re still on. If she says no, something else came up I say “Good, I had something come up too. An old friend came into town and she wants to take me out to dinner. But, I didn’t want to be rude and cancel our date at the last second. Maybe we can do it some other time. I‘ll call you” and hang up.

In a few words I’ve established that I’m a high value man with a lot of stuff going on. I’ve hinted that she isn’t my best option for the night, I was hoping to get out of the date anyway, I don’t crave her attention, that I respect the people I make commitments too and I‘m seeing another girl that‘s buying me dinner, so there‘s a little jealously going on. I’m also suggesting that she's being rude for flaking on me without (me) making a big deal of it.
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Postby quipster » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:35 pm

Well, there will always be flakes. At the first meet make sure you setup a solid time bridge for your day2. I usually never do the time bridge though. Is this a real "date" ? I havent done a traditional date in a while and would prefer not to. If this is a day 2 then I usually just have them meet up with me and my friends when I am out for a drink/dinner/shopping/ etc. I will bring them into my world as I would any other male or female. If it is a planned day 2/date Then I never tell them what the plans are. This keeps her curious/in suspense. I will bounce her around to 2-3 different places that are close to my place. Maybe a piano bar then ice cream shop then my place. Usually do not spend too much time at one single place.

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Postby Kraven » Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:55 pm

Ya srsly, the method to handle day 2s & phone calls that I have transitioned to over the past few months:

1> Don't call it a date - if you framed & escalated correctly on the last meeting almost any reason to get together will do (meet us at the bar tonight, come to my friends house party, going to the mall - meet me there, etc). Like Mystery says in the DVD series, I think its better when you do NOT make your target the focus of the activity together - if she flakes it should be apparent you were planning on having fun with or without her anyway

2> Call for day 2s or to chat while doing something high value (call from a bar/party hanging with your wings or whoever, call while sarging/shopping at the mall, etc). The fun and lack of neediness come through in your voice. Plus if she flakes right then all the more reason to sarge harder, you're right there

3> Collect multiple numbers and call them to practice the phone game. Call your friends to get in a good state, etc and then personally I rank HBs from the ones I least want to the most start calling to set up day 2s/future meets. Get them on the phone, tell DHV stories and tell them what your plans are later and get them to want to come with you before asking them, or get them to try and invite themselves
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Postby Scoundrel » Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:06 pm

Okay then, call it damage control. The point is, Ive yet to have a girl flake a second time after that.
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Postby Midnight » Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:24 pm

pure genius...
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