Sometimes when I am in qualification, I feel like I am saying things that come across as what AFCs do—fishing for commonalities. This is obviously not the frame anyone should be taking. For instance, I ask what they do for fun and they have heard that question 1,000 times. If you look at some of the examples in Magic Bullets, they are very common and AFC (e.g. what type of music, books, or movies do you like). I need to start using more unique qualifying statements. I feel like qualifying her on personality traits would be more effective and more original but I have not systematically tested this. Here are some examples that come to mind:
[list]Are you spontaneous?[/list]
[list]Are you adventurous?[/list]
[list]You know, you are actually pretty funny! I read an article in GQ or something about how there are many more men that are comedians and women usually aren’t as funny. But I can’t stand being around people that are serious all the time.[/list]
[list]It is funny, a lot of people you meet at the bars are very dependent people. They must always be around their friends. But you seem like an independent person which is actually cool. I mean, you came over here and talked to me because you wanted to without caring what your friends thought. That is exactly what I would do.[/list]
[list]I can’t believe how many girls I meet lack intelligence. They are attractive and fun, but you can’t even hold down a conversation with them. (See if she qualifies and if not continue with) but you seem different. Do you consider yourself smart?[/list]
[list]If you could do anything without a fear of failure what would you do?[/list]
[list]What is your passion in life?[/list]
[list]My friend gave me the best compliment the other day. She pointed out that she can tell me anything because she knows I won’t think she is weird and I won’t go tell everyone. Then I realized that a lot of my friends tell me their secrets and I think it is because I am so open-minded. What about you? Are you open minded?[/list]
This list could go on and on, but those qualification statements hit on most of the things I actually look for in a girl. I mean who really cares what she does in her spare time. You can introduce her to things you like and then she has similar hobbies. I would be interested in what people think about this and if anyone has experience with this. I have started to field test it but I am in the early stages of it. What do other people use for qualifiers?