I have found a way to get women feeling sexual for you quickly
It is simply this,
Feel the sexual lust for her while talking to her. You don't even have to touch her. and Keep your attention there (think of how you would like to kiss her, and give it some time - 1 or 2 minutes and she will feel like kissing you - and she thinks it is her own idea. and then go for the kiss and she will not resist!)
She will feel it within and think it is her own feeling. and she will have no power over it. as women go by their feelings.
Any feeling you want her to feel, feel it and put your attention and thought focused on it, while talking to her or looking at her, and she will feel it!
I was at a bar buying a drink and started talking to this woman, and suddenly I felt this sexual lusty feeling in my body. and then she turned away and started talking to her friends. and somehow, our elbows were touching each other, with our backs to each other. and I felt this feeling grow in me and stay with me, of pure sexual lust. I knew that she was feeling sexual towards me!
Try it out! (isn't this what happens when you feel nervous when you approach a woman. and they don't like the way they feel - 'nervous and scared' when they are with you?) and pls let me know how it worked for you!