Opener Good for Today Only

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Opener Good for Today Only

Postby Rhody » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:47 pm

Ok, I heard something on the radio, which lends itself nicely to an opener with multiple threads to get a conversation going. However, it is good for today only. So I want as many people to go out and use it as possible.

PUA: Hey, guys. Do you know what day it is?
HBs: Saturday.
PUA: No, the date. What's the date today?
HBs: July 7
PUA: Yes, it's 7/7/07. I heard that people went to Vegas in droves today to get married. They have the whole day booked up with a wedding every 30 minues in every chapel in Vegas. Would you get married in Vegas? Do you think that's romantic and spontaneous or just weird?
HBs: blah blah blah
PUA: These people are actually planning to have their wedding on a certain date for luck, not because they're being spontaneous. I mean, some of them are trying to time it so they kiss at exactly 7:07. And then they're going to play the slots because they think they're going to get 777 and win a huge jackpot. Do you think that's crazy or a pretty cool way to get married?
HBs: blah blah blah
PUA: Like, suppose someone told you that there was a superstition that you will have a great marriage if you don't wear any panties under your wedding dress. Would you do it?
HBs: blah blah

I can think of several ways to take this. I'm going to use it. I hope some of you do too. But remember, it's good for today only. If you do use it, post the results here, just because I'm curious.
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Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:09 pm
Location: The Colony, TX

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