Standard deviation in sarging?

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Standard deviation in sarging?

Postby El Fenix » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:53 am

I's starting to think theres gotta be some sort of variance measurement for results as you get better at sarging. When I was AFC I sucked all the time. Now, as I learn more, and go out, some nights I do quite well, some just well...flop. I'm thinking that as one gets better the variance will be less. Kinda like Mystery's "5 for 5" challnge that approaches mastery. Thats very low variance.
I'm not gonna start graphing any of this, or run stats on it. Just a thought I had.
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Postby holyskeleton » Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:25 pm

in other words some people, like myself, have performance spikes. sometimes I can do Really well but other times just so-so. i think it's just different for everybody.
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Postby Neuromancer » Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:54 pm

I was watching a documentary on "the zone." They say that the way the zone works is that as you learn a skill it becomes easier to access. As well, as you gain mastery you can focus in on the skill itself and shut down the other parts of the brain. This is why you have a time dilation effect. The part of the brain that perceives the passage of time shuts down so you can focus solely on the task at hand and the attendant skills.
I saw this the other day when I was practice sarging an HB at Fusion cafe. I produced one wow after another, went from pattern to pattern and even came up with one on the fly. Time dropped out of perception and I picked up on all of the subtle reactions in my target. I even saw the doggy dinner bowl look RJ talks about.
I was in "the zone" I had full access to the skill set and all the unnecessary brain functions were shut down.
the nice thing about this is, you can reproduce the effect by visualizing a time when you were in the zone with the skill set. They say it will drop you right into the zone. That is why visualization is so important in sports.
So while you read this, think about a time when you were in "The Zone" while sarging, think about the specific feelings, the reactions, and the actions you took. Relive the moment in your head and lock it in. Then open up a set and see how you are already in the zone and everything falls into place. Look for the signs, tunnel vision, hyper focus, a sense filter on everything but the task at hand and most importantly, time dilation. You can feel your sense of time slipping away and just let it go. You are in a hyper focused trance where the only thing you need is the attendant skills and senses to sarging.
Wanna know what I'm thinking about?

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Postby Midnight » Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:30 pm

i think this is the reason some of the top PUAs just keep using the same material over and over. so they can focus on all the small nuances of the target's reaction, social dynamics, etc and not feel as much pressure to be entertaining. plus, as they say, after doing the same material on countless sets you develop that 'congruence'.
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