ESP Test

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ESP Test

Postby @dri@n » Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:45 am

Hi, i'm new in old this stuff. Also I don't speak english very well so I'm sorry if my vocabulary is poor and with orthographic lacks. :oops:
Well, I have been investigating lately abaout something i reed in the Neil Strauss book's (The Game), it's called the ESP test, and I serch in internet but can not find a lot. What I really want is learn how to do an ESP text to a girl, some examples or something.
Thank you ahead of time. :D
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Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:25 am

Re: ESP Test

Postby Triumvirate » Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:03 am

The Game was written about events that took place in 2004/2005. Now a days canned lines and routines are generally not used. Canned lines are especially useless if you're not fluent in English. I suggest limiting your use of lines and routines and just talking to girls over, and ovver and over again.
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