Using your friend girls effectively...

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Using your friend girls effectively...

Postby Guest » Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:04 pm

This is one of the more random thoughts I regularly kick around, just thought I'd share, I don't know if anyone else has shared this.

It is something that I use that combines a couple of things.

First it uses the fun, dancing monkey routines and keeps the environment light and fun.
Second, it uses 3 "attraction switches" namely, leader of men, protector of loved ones and pre-selection.
Third, it creates an inside joke between you and the women involved.

What I like to do when other guys approach women I am either seeing, or friends with is lightly push the guys onto my friends or partner. not physically, but I like to kinda "help" the guy out a little bit with talking to my "friend".

When guys come over and start talking to women you are with, usually they will introduce themselves to you first... at this point I turn to my friend and say, "This is so-n-so". Then I turn away and watch the looks she gives me. I always give my shit eatin grin here as she does the "please, why did you do this?" look. Once I get the look, I jump back into the conversion and start asking him the typical "lifestyle" questions that women secretly want but somtimes aren't bold enough to ask for upfront. Once I establish those I bring her back into the interaction with something like, "You know, so-n-so REALLY likes (insert whatever he mentions) too!" Then I turn away and watch the looks again.

Usually they either get a girl to save them or they get to the point of "I wish he'd stop that." and that's when I end it. Otherwise you are just pushing too far.

I always have fun with this, so I thought I'd share it, plus it can create a unique sexually charged environment since at this point it's easy to insert (pun intended) direct sexual comments based on this guy wanting to bump uglies with her.

Postby Guest » Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:21 pm


Thanks for posting this dude. This is something I tend to struggle with greatly. My approach is that I usually try to remain non-reactive to guys approaching my girl(s) and even though I give the impresson that I am not jealous or needy I have been losing sets, and straight up been getting amoged by dudes. There is nothing worse then sitting there watching some dude (my own friends even) number close the chick you came with and are leaving with while you blood is boiling over and trying to think of things to do that won't make you look bad. I think a big part of this hapening to me lately is that i kick it with a lot of dudes that don't understand game and live by the "may the best man win" mentality. I really need to see more post like this and get pointers on how to handle these situations better because for me it always seems lose-lose.

Postby Guest » Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:46 pm

Np Ram,

You have to be careful using it on girls you are trying to hook up with though because it can backfire. If the girl turns out liking the guy, it puts you in friend zone automatically since you are the friend that "hooked her up" and aren't trying to hook up yourself.

So throughout the interaction you have to gauge how she is responding and sort of antagonize the "he just wants to fuck you" frame, or rather make it appearant that's what he wants from her. Pay attention to what he says, and then just sexualize everything he says in her eyes. One of the primo girl cock blocking tricks... if you ever notice a girl doing this to you in set then 1) you're blown out or 2) you have a shitload of recovering to do. Girls tend to be a lot more obvious about it than what you should be since guys usually want to conversation to go sexual they let it go on. It's a shit test in disguise when coming from a woman it's AMOGing when coming from a guy.


Other guy: Yeah, I'm big on charity.
You (to her sort of secretly): You hear that? He's BIG... on charity. *eyebrow raise and make eye contact with her*
Her: haha stop it! *hits you*

Postby Guest » Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:31 pm

That's great! I can't wait to try it.

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