omg, this movie was total chick flick. i didn't even know it was a chick flick until the movie was played. i like the show entourage on hbo and kevin connolly was in the movie which is why i wanted to watch it. my school had a pre-screening for this movie so i decided to go watch it since it was free. i go into the theatres, and i see nothing but like over 100 girls in the room (lots of hb 8-10 so i hit another jackpot). a friend of mine asked me why i was going to go watch it earlier in the day, and i said i never watched it (but i realize now why she asked). i just wished i had more game to hold more interesting conversations with them since i got the opportunity to meet some of my friend's sorority sisters.
so i think this is going to be the next Dirty Dancing movie as in all girls will see it. this movie will be a geat opener.
all the girls in the room had the same reaction to the major scenes as in crying, awwing, laughing, clapping, etc. some girls left during the movie because it was too emotional for them because they would relate it to their life.
the point is, watch the movie and create some openers from it.